Solutions to Issues of Rusyns from Different Countries Were Discussed
Resolution from the meeting of the World Council of Rusyns (WCoR)
They Are
Looking for a Way to Solve the Problem
Rusky Kerestur after a decade…
Resolution from the meeting of the World Council
of Rusyns on May 28th, 2006 in Krynica, Polland
Solutions to Issues of Rusyns from Different Countries Were
Solutions to issues of Rusyns from different countries were
discussed at a meeting of the World Council of Rusyns (WCoR),
the executive body of the World Congress of Rusyns (WCR), on
Febraury 23rd, 2007 in Sighetul Marmaţiei, where on
June 21st – 24th, 2007 the 9th
World Congress of Rusyns will take place.
Gheoghe Firczak,
the host of the WCoR members, the “landlord“ of the nearest
congress and the Chairman of the Cultural Association of
Romanian Rusyns, in his opening speech, welcomed all members of
WCoR, who came in full attendance. The only person who did not
attend and had not excused himself from the event was Mykola
Medješi, the Chairman of the World Forum of Rusyn Youth, who
had been invited as a guest.
The meeting was lead by Paul Robert Magocsi, the Chairman
of the WCoR. He informed those in attendance about his
meetings with representatives of embassies and international
organisations, resident in Washington. As it was
necessary, he revisited the Embassies of Ukraine and Romania. He
also met Condoleezza Rice, the US Minister of International
Affairs and the senator John McCain, who was also interested in
status of Rusyns in Ukraine. The Chairman of the WCoR asked all
members of the WCoR to send him the two most pressing issues
that trouble Rusyns in their respective countries, so that he
could competently and concretely request their solution at
meetings with ambassadors of the countries where Rusyns live, as
well as with the nuncio of the Vatican Embassy in Washington. He
asked the Chairman of the WCoR to write a letter about Rusyn
issues in the Greek-Catholic Church in Slovakia and Ukraine.
That is why on February 17th, 2007, he met Marcel
Mojzeš, a general vicar, Peter Pavol Haľko, OSBN, a
vicar for Rusyns and Ľubomír Petrík, the Head of the
Episcopal Office in Prešov as well as Mons. Milan Šasík, CM,
the Eparch of the Mukachevo Greek-Catholic Diocese on Februaray
21st, 2007 in Uzhhorod. He has not yet met the
Croatian Ambassador in Washington, but he is going to do so
early on.
On February 23rd, 2007 in Sighetul Marmaţiei
in Romania a meeting of the World Council of Rusyns (WCoR)
took place. At the head of the table (from left) the
Vice-Chairman of WCoR and the host of the 9th
World Congress of Rusyns in this town G. Firczak
and the Chairman of WCoR P. R. Magocsi were
seated. At the end of the long meeting, the
members of WCoR had their photograph taken as a
souvenir: (from right) Deputy of WCoR A. Zozuľák,
Father D. Sidor, S. Ljavinyec, A. Kopcza, Chairman
P. R. Magocsi, L. Segedi-Falc, Vice-Chairman
G. Firczak, A. Pilatová and D. Papuga. During
lunch, Rusyn youth from Romania met the members of WCoR.
In the last picture, the building of the Lyceum of Arts
can be seen. Here, the 9th World Congress of
Rusyns will take place on June 21st – 24th,
2007. |
Another piece of information concerned the preparatory works
for the 3rd International Congress of Rusyn Language,
which will take place on September 13th – 16th,
2007 in Krakow. The Chairman of WCoR informed those in
attendance about the outcome of the meeting of members of the
programme, financial, editorial and exhibition committees of
this congress in the Pedagogical Academy in Krakow on February
19th, 2007.
A. Zozuľák,
the WCoR Deputy informed those in attendance about the
financial situation of the WCR in 2006 and asked all members
of the organisation to pay their membership fees for those
years, in which they did not do so, as this is one of their
duties. The Chairman of WCoR requested a list of addresses of
all the organisations connected with the WCR (also those who are
members of the associations) to be sent to the address of the
Deputy of the WCoR.
S. Ljavinyec
and G. Firczak informed the present members about the
possibilities of gaining European grants for the WCR.
The information presented by G. Firczak that, with help of
Ľudovít Orban, a Euro-Commissioner, who deals with languages, he
will try to lobby so that Rusyn was entered in the list of
European languages. This is also one of the goals of
the WCoR.
A. Zozuľák
was authorised to prepare a proposal of changes in the WCR
Statute. These changes must be operative, flexible. The fact
that, with any serious change, it is necessary to wait until the
next congress takes place (which is once every two years) also
needs changing, as some issues could be solved by the WCoR.
Prot. D. Sidor
presented the proposal of the Rusyn flag, which was
discussed and dealt with by members of the WCoR, and it was
decided that, at the 9th WCR, the proposal together
with the Rusyn anthem – Ja Rusîn byl, jesm i budu... will
be presented for official approval.
Individual members also informed the Council about the
situation of Rusyn organisations and Rusyn issues in particular
countries. It also came to an important decision that
a Resolution of WCR will be prepared on the occasion of the
60th anniversary (commemorated this year) of the
notorious event of “Wisla“, which will also be presented for
approval at the next congress.
For Slovak Rusyns it is very important that the Chairman of the
WCoR was, by the assigned Deputy of the WCoR, given the
Resolution from the Joint Meeting of Slovak Association of Rusyn
Organisations (SARO) and the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia (RRS),
according to which both parties agreed to respect each other,
cooperate and help each other realise the goals of the Rusyn
movement in Slovakia. They also agreed that Slovak Rusyns will
have representation in the WCR. The WCoR welcomed this
opportunity and decided to ask the WCR to accept both
organisations as one proper member with two integral parts –
SARO and RRS. It was also decided that 6 delegates and 2 guests
from RRS (and their collective members) and 4 delegates and 2
guests from SARO and its member organisations will represent
Slovak Rusyns at the congress. Apart from this, 5 delegates
from each member organisation will participate at the 3rd
World Forum of Rusyn Youth (SFRM), which means that it also
applies to the Association of Rusyn Youth of Slovakia. (The
names and surnames of all delegates and guests of the 9th
WCR and the 3rd SFRM with their addresses are to be
e-mailed to the Deputy of the WCoR to: by May
25th, 2007. Due to visa regulations, Serbia needs
to do so by May 1st, 2007.) The WCoR also
decided that representatives of SARO and RRS will take two-year
turns in representing Slovak Rusyns in the WCoR.
Concerning the request of the National Council of Sub-Carpathian
Rusyns (NCSCR) for acceptance into the WCR and permission to
have 5 delegates at the congress, it has been decided that the
Assembly of Sub-Carpathian Rusyns will stay a proper member
of the WCR. Furthermore, two representatives of the NCSCR
E. Župan (the Chairman) and Father Štefan Sič will be
invited to the congress as guests of the Chairman of the WCoR.
He was given the right by members of the WCoR to invite 10
significant guests to the congress. Askold S. Lozinský,
Chairman of the World Congress of Ukrainians, will be one of
them. He officially met the Chairman of the WCR last year in
Toronto, where they discussed issues of Rusyns in the world.
G. Firczak
informed members of the WCoR about the stage of preparatory
works of the 9th World Congress Meeting of Rusyns
and, consequently, a detailed programme of the congress was
discussed and approved. As a part of the congress, an
exhibition of photographs focusing on the activities of the
individual member organisations of the WCR will take place as
well as a cultural programme (taking place on June 23rd,
2007) where Rusyns from all member countries of the WCR will
At the end of the WCoR meeting it was decided that the next
meeting of the WCoR will take place on the morning of June 22nd,
2007 in Sighet and the 10th World Congress of Rusyns
in 2009 will take place in Rusky Kerestur (Serbia), while one
day of meetings will be held in Petrovce (Croatia).
The meeting in Sighetul Marmaţiei (Romanian name, we have
decided to use Sighet as a simpler version) was constructive, it
solved a lot of issues and was one of the richest in the history
of the World Council of Rusyns.
Alexander ZOZUĽÁK, Deputy of WCoR,
March 2nd, 2007
Resolution from the meeting of the World Council of Rusyns
which took place on February 23rd, 2007 in Sighetul
Marmaţiei, Romania
WCoR approved the following:
Information that the Chairman of WCoR took part at a meeting,
which took place in Washington at Embassies of those countries
where Rusyns live, and that he also met other significant
personalities from political life and talked about Rusyn issues
in the countries in question
(P. R. Magocsi).
Information about the stage of preparation of the 3rd
International Congress of the Rusyn Language on September 13th
– 16th, 2007 in Krakow, Poland (P. R. Magocsi).
Information about the finances of the World Congress of Rusyns (WCR)
in 2006 (A. Zozuľák).
Information about possibilities of using European grants for WCR
and entering the Rusyn language in the list of European
languages within the European Union (S. Ljavinyec, G. Firczak).
Information about a proposal of the Rusyn flag and anthem
(Father D. Sidor, D. Papuga).
Information about the agreement upon a solution to the issue of
representation of Slovak Rusyns in the WCR and their
representative in the WCoR (P. R. Magocsi).
Information about the request of accepting the National Council
of Sub-Carpathian Rusyns as a proper member of WCR (P. R.
Information about a need to change the WCR Statute (A. Zozuľák).
Information about the stage of preparation of the 9th
World Congress of Rusyns, taking place on June 21st –
24th, 2007 in Sighetul Marmaţiei, Romania (G. Firczak).
WCR developed the following solutions:
Every member of the WCoR will submit the two most serious Rusyn
issues in his/her country to the Chairman of WCoR, so that he
could act to achieve a solution to these problems by discussing
them with the leader representatives of the countries in
question. Deadline: March 30th, 2007.
Every member of WCoR will prepare a list of organisations
connected to WCR, including complete addresses and contact data,
so that the Chairman of WCoR could base his sessions on this
list. All organisations must request, in writing, their
membership in the WCR from the WCoR and hand in a copy of a
registered Statute. This must be sent to the Chairman of the
WCoR to by
March 15th, 2007.
A proposal of the Rusyn flag and anthem (Ja Rusîn byl, jesm i budu...)
will be presented for appointment at the 9th
World Congress of Rusyns on June 22nd, 2007.
The Chairman of WCoR alone has the right to invite up to 10
guests to the 9th WCR.
At the 9th WCR, to propose accepting the Rusyn
Revival in Slovakia (RRS) into the World Congress of Rusyns
and the Slovak Association of Rusyn Organisations (SARO) as one
Slovak two-part member of WCR. Delegates of both organisations
will propose a representative for the WCoR for a two-year
period, in turns for the RRS and SARO. 6 delegates of RRS and 4
delegates of SARO can take part in the 9th WCR.
For each member organisation of the World Congress of Rusyns, 4
guests can attend the 9th WCR and each member
organisation of the World Forum of Rusyn Youth (WFRY) can, at
the 3rd WFRY, be represented by 5 delegates. The list
of all delegates and guests must be e-mailed to the Deputy of
the World Council of Rusyns by May 25th, 2007.
Those who need a visa to enter Romania (Serbia), must provide
the list by May 1st, 2007.
The Assembly of Sub-Carpathian Rusyns stays the only proper
member of the World Congress of Ukrainian Rusyns as an
association of Rusyn organisations. The National Council of
Sub-Carpathian Rusyns has not been accepted as a proper member
of the WCR, however, its three members under the leadership of
its Chairman Eugen Župan will be invited to the 9th
WCR as guests of the Chairman of the World Council of Rusyns.
The Deputy of the WCoR will propose modifications to the WCR
Statute by June 22nd, 2007.
Delegates of the 9th WCR will present the Resolution
regarding the event of “Wisla“, the 60th anniversary
of which is commemorated this year. A. Kopcza will send the
proposal of the text to the Deputy of the WCoR by April 30th,
The presentations from the 8th WCR in Krynica
(Poland) must be submitted to A. Kopcza in writing, so that he
could issue an annual from this congress by the 9th
WCR. Deadline: March 15th, 2007.
A list of the most significant Rusyn cultural events will be
submitted to the Deputy of the WCoR by each member organisation
of the WCR, so that he could prepare a Calendar of Rusyn
Cultural Events in 2007 and send it to each member of the WCoR.
Deadline: March 15th, 2007.
In the cultural programme of the 9th WCR on June 23rd,
2007, the following ensembles will perform: 3 groups from
Romania (30 minutes), 1 group from Serbia (maximum 35 people; 20
min.), 4 groups from Ukraine (max. 60 people; 40 min.), 1 group
from Croatia (15 people; 10 min.), 1 group from Slovakia (the
Chairman of the RRS is supposed to inform the Deputy of the WCoR
about the number of people; 10 min.), and a poet from Hungary
will recite her poems between particular performances of the
groups. The whole cultural programme will last 2 hours.
Within the 9th WCR, an exhibition of photographs
focusing on the activities of member organisations of the WCR
will take place, which is why 4 good-quality photographs must be
sent to the exhibition curator by May 1st, 2007.
His address and further instructions will be e-mailed to
each member of the WCoR.
They Are
Looking for a Way to Solve the Problem
On June 25th,
2005 at the 8th World Congress of Rusyns in Krynica (Poland)
after the election for the World Council of Rusyns, the then Chair of
the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia and newly appointed member of the World
Council of Rusyns Anna Kuzmiaková declared that their
organisation is to suspend its membership in the World Congress of
Rusyns and she, personally, in the World Council of Rusyns. That is
how Rusyns of Slovakia lost their representation in the World Congress
of Rusyns and the World Council of Rusyns. That is why, in the
resolution of the following meeting of the World Council of Rusyns on
May 28th, 2006 in Krynica in Point 9 the following was
agreed: „The participation of the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia in the
activities of the World Congress of Rusyns is welcomed; however, that
only applies for the configuration of the association with other Rusyn
organisations in Slovakia. The Chair of the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia
Vladimír Protivňák and the Chair of the Slovak Association of Rusyn
Organisations Alexander Zozuľák are supposed to agree about this point
by the following meeting of the World Council of Rusyns.“ In
Point 12 of the same resolution it is said that the next meeting of the
World Council of Rusyns will take place at a time between January and
March 2007 in Giget in Romania.
On the
basis of the aforementioned Point 9 of the resolution, V. Protivňák
and A. Zozuľák met on August 4th, 2006 in Medzilaborce to, in
the presence of the Chair of the World Council of Rusyns Paul Robert
Magocsi, the Deputy of the Rusyn Revival in the Slovak Republic (RRSR)
Mikuláš Krajkovič, the Chair of the Inspection Committee of RRSR Pavol
Dupkanič, a member and former Chairman of RRSR Alexander Franko and the
Mayor of Medzilaborce Mirko Kaliňák, look for the solution of the
above-mentioned problem. At the end of the meeting, both parties
found a possible solution to the given problem, about which the Heads of
both organisations will inform their members. In particular, the chair
of the RRSR will inform its Executive and Coordination Committee and the
Chair of the Slovak Association of Rusyn Organisations will inform its
Executive Committee. Consequently, both Chairs will meet again at the
following meeting to find out about the solution of the aforementioned
organs. At the previous meeting in Medzilaborce, both Heads expressed
their hope to solve the problem that had arisen by the end of 2006.
– az –
August 21st,

the meeting of the World Council of Rusyns
on May
28th, 2006 in Krynica, Polland
A new
representation from Hungary – the Association of the Rusyn
Organisations in Hungary – was admitted in the World Congress of
Rusyns; and Štefan Ľavinec was elected a member of the World Council
of Rusyns.
member organisations have to pay a membership fee of USD 100 yearly.
Those who, in the given year, organise a meeting of the World
Council of Rusyns have the right to be forgiven the fee.
USD 500
yearly for running of the World Council of Rusyns has been approved.
World Council of Rusyns approves of the previous activities of its
chairman and requests further international activities.
representative of each country is supposed to inform the chairman of
the World Council of Rusyns about two most important problems that
the Rusyns living in his country are coping with, so that he could
submit them at prominent meetings with the leaders of particular
states and European institutions.
It is
necessary to look for opportunities of financing from European
institutions and organisations.
two-member committee (Gheorghe Firczak and Štefan Ľavinec) was
appointed to look for financial opportunities in the European Union.
resolutions from the 8th World Congress of Rusyns in
Krynica, Polland; and the last meeting of the World Council of
Rusyns in Rusky Kerestur, Serbia, in 2005; are being systematically
participation of the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia in the activities of
the World Council of Rusyns is welcomed, however, only within the
association of other Rusyn organisations in Slovakia. It is to be
discussed by the chairman of the Rusyn Revival in Slovakia Vladimír
Protivňák and the chairman of the Slovak Association of the Rusyn
Organisations Alexander Zozuľak by the next meeting of the World
Council of Rusyns.
main organising body of the 9th World Congress of Rusyns
in Siget, Romania, Gheorghe Firczak, will inform all the members of
the World Council of Rusyns in September 2006 about the specific
date when the 9th World Congress of Rusyns will take
We will
try to involve a Greek-Catholic clergyman from Siget in the
preparatory committee of the next congress.
next meeting of the World Congress of Rusyns will take place
sometimes between January and March of 2007 in Siget in Romania.

For a
decade the World Committee of Rusyns (WCR) have been meeting in the
countries where Rusyns live. However, on Septemeber 19th,
2005 the executive committee of the World Congress of Rusyns –
World Committee of Rusyns – finally met in Rusky Kerestur in
Vojvodina (Serbia and Montenegro). The meeting was held by the
following members of the World Committee of Rusyns: Paul Robert
Magocsi, the chairman and a representative of North America,
Gheorghe Firczak, the deputy chairman (Romania), father Dimitrij
Sidor (Sub-Carpathia in Ukraine), Lyubka Segedi-Falc
(Croatia) and Dyura Papuga (Serbia and Montenegro). The secretary
and three other members of WCR did not participate. Mykola Medesi
from Kocur (Serbia and Montenegro), the chairman of World Forum of
Rusyn Youth, took part at the meeting as a regular member.
The meeting
was opened by the Rusyn national anthem Sub-Carpathian Rusyns
followed by a working session of WCR where the Resolution from the 8th
Congress of Rusyns, which took place on
June 24th
– 25th, 2005 in Krynica (Poland)
was discussed. The
participants also talked about the program preparation for the next 9th
Congress of Rusyns, which will take place in Seged (Romania)
in June 2007.
After the
morning session, the WCR chairman answered the questions of journalists
at a press conference. In the afternoon, the members of WCR met the
members of the Executive Committee of cultural-national organisation of
Rusyns living in Serbia and Montenegro named Ruska Matka (Rusyn
Cultural Foundation), with the residence in Rusky Kerestur. The
issues discussed at the morning session were considered once again – the
participants talked about the completion and realisation of particular
points in the Resolution from the 8th World Congress of
Rusyns and about the preparation of the 9th congress. Later
on, the major representatives of the Ruska Matka organisation informed
the members of WCR about their activities. Like at the last congress,
they again appealed to develop co-operation between Rusyn businessmen,
to encourage students'
mobility and to complete the cultural event calendar of those Rusyns,
the organisations of who are members of the World Congress of Rusyns. D.
Sidor, a member of WCR pointed out that the Rusyns living in Serbia and
Montenegro have always been a moral support and a model for Rusyns
living in Sub-Carpathia for the achieved national minority rights and
the possibilities of their use; which, in Ukraine, is still rather
On September 15, 2005 a meeting of executive committee of
the Ruska matka
organisation took place. The participants talked about the 15th
anniversary of the existance and activity of the
Ruska Matka
organisation and the preparation of a ceremonial celebration of the
event. Moreover, the conception of the 3rd issue of the
magazine Rusnak
was discussed.
Rusky Kerestur