Vasil Turok, the first chairman of World Council of Rusyns (WCR), has
died …
Washington, D. C.
On November 15-17, 2006, during the
three-day visit to diplomatic missions in the United States, the
chairman of the World Congress of Rusyns, Professor Paul Robert Magocsi,
together with a delegation of Rusyn-American community activists, was
received by the embassies of Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, and the Vatican.
Other members of the delegation were from the of the Carpatho-Rusyn
Society of America: the National Capital Chapter president Dr. Victor
Haburchak, its vice-president Professor Elaine Rusinko, Dr. Mikuláš
Popovič, and the president of the society’s New England Chapter Orestes
The main purpose of the
delegation’s visit to the Embassy of Romania was to review plans for
the Ninth World Congress of Rusyns, to be held in Sighet (Sighetul
Marmaţei) on June 21-24, 2007. In response to Professor Magocsi’s
inquiry submitted one year ago about the status of the new bridge
across the Tysa River, embassy officials informed the delegation that
the formal opening is expected to take place before the end of 2006.
This means that it should be possible for delegates from Ukraine to walk
across the bridge in order to attend the World Congress. The new bridge
will not only link Ukraine and Romania, it will also re-unite
Carpatho-Rusyns who live on the northern and southern banks of the Tysa
River and who have until now been separated by an international border.
Also under discussion was the topic of official guests at the World
Congress. The Romanian Embassy expressed its government’s interest in
assuring the success of the congress and agreed to assist in issuing
formal invitations to official guests who will represent various
countries and the European Union at the World Congress.
For the second time
within one year the Rusyn-American delegation and the World Congress
chairman were received at the Embassy of Ukraine, this time by the
Deputy Chief of the Mission, Minister-Counselor Dr. Viktor O. Nikitiuk.
Professor Magocsi submitted a formal inquiry (copy attached) to
Ambassador Oleh V. Shamshur, which requests clarification about what
seems to be Ukraine’s contradictory policies toward Rusyns. On July 7,
2006, Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice, in response to an inquiry for
recognition of Rusyns as a distinct nationality, replied that “according
to international legal norms as well as the laws of Ukraine, every
person has the right to his or her own national self-identity,” and
that furthermore there is no “official list of nationalities that are
recognized in Ukraine.” These statements seem to be in contradiction to
Ukraine’s policies as reflected in its “Proposed Measures for Resolving
the Problem of Ukrainians-Rusyns” (1996); its report to the Council of
Europe defining Rusyns as a “sub-ethnos of the Ukrainian nationality”
(1999), and a published list of nationalities in Ukraine from the
country’s most recent census (2001) in which Rusyns as a nationality
are omitted. Do the “Proposed Measures for Resolving the Problem of
Ukrainians-Rusyns” still reflect the official policy of Ukraine? An
answer to that question will determine the tenor of future talks between
the World Congress of Rusyns and representatives of the European Union
and the United States government.
At the Embassy of Serbia
the Rusyn-American delegation had an extensive discussion with that
country’s ambassador, Ivan Vujačić. Professor Magocsi praised Serbia’s
wide-ranging support of the Rusyns in Vojvodina, where they are
recognized as one of that province’s five official nationalities. Of
particular concern to the Rusyn-American delegation, however, is whether
the present-day government of Serbia still requires a group, for
classification as a nationality, to have a so-called mother country (matična
zemlja), that is, an independent state outside Serbia. A formal
inquiry on this matter was submitted to the Serbian ambassador by
Professor Magocsi (copy attached). Should Rusyns “need” a mother
country, it logically would be Slovakia or Hungary (since most
Vojvodinian Rusyns trace their roots to villages in those present-day
countries), but certainly not Ukraine. More to point, Vojvodina’s Rusyns
do have a historic homeland. It is Carpathian Rus’ (popularly referred
to as a Hornica), which alongside Flanders, Catalonia, and the Basque
Land, is one of the many recognized homelands of stateless peoples in
Europe. Historic Carpathian Rus’, which is within the borders of several
present-day independent states, is the historic homeland of all
At the Embassy of the
Vatican, the Rusyn-American delegation and the World Congress chairman
were received by the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Pietro Sambi. The
Apostolic Nuncio was informed about Carpatho-Rusyns, a distinct
nationality in central Europe which is known in Vatican circles as
Ruthenians (Ruteni). Most of the discussion focused on the
policies toward Rusyns carried out by the Greek Catholic Eparchy of
Prešov in Slovakia and the Eparchy of Mukachevo in Ukraine. Formally,
each of those eparchies emphasizes the use of state languages,
Slovak or Ukrainian, at the expense of liturgical Church Slavonic and
spoken Rusyn vernacular. As a result of the policies of the Greek
Catholic bishops of Prešov and Mukachevo, it seems that the Vatican is
following policies similar to that of the former Soviet Union. In other
words, the Vatican may note that Rusyns (Ruthenians) are an ethnic
group, but it does not recognize Rusyns as a distinct nationality who
have their own distinct Rusyn literary language.
Particularly troublesome
is the policy of slovakization carried out by the authorities of the
Eparchy of Prešov and the gradual adoption of the Ukrainian language
in the Eparchy of Mukachevo. The Rusyn-American delegation shared with
the Papal Nuncio its surprise that the Vatican recently appointed as
head of the Eastern-rite Eparchy of Mukachevo an apostolic
administrator, Bishop Milan Šašik, who is a Roman-rite Catholic.
Consequently, the Eparchy of Mukachevo in Ukraine’s Transcarpathian
Region, which is home to many faithful for whom Rusyn is their native
and primary language, now has an administrator (bishop) who is an ethnic
Slovak and who does not speak Rusyn. Such qualifications would not be
problematic if the eparchy were sympathetic to the cultural as well as
spiritual needs of its Rusyn flock. The Rusyn-American delegation was
heartened to hear the Papal Nuncio express the view that a key
requirement in the selection of any bishop is the candidate’s
understanding of the cultural specificity and ability to communicate in
the majority language of the community he is called to serve. Finally,
the Papal Nuncio agreed to pass on a request to the Vatican’s press and
radio service that its reports should in the future not refer to Rusyns
(Ruthenians) as Russians.
According to the World
Congress Chairman Magocsi, the next series of meetings in Washington, D.
C. will be with the Embassy of Croatia, the United States Department of
State, and with members of the US Congress who have a special interest
in Ukraine.


The name of
scholar, professor of the Toronto University Paul Robert Magocsi
is well-known to all readers of our Rusyn periodical and non-periodical
issues, to many of those who are interested in the Rusyn movement after
the year 1989 as we have written repeatedly on his activities and him
personally for the last 15 years of publishing of Narodne novynki
(National Newspaper) and Rusyn. You could have recently read an article
on him written by V. Paďak with the title “Significant Rusin
Studies Scholar Celebrating a Personal Jubilee“ in the National
Newspaper No. 1 – 4 / 2005 as well as in the National Newspaper No. 29 –
34 / 2005 on his last published publication “Naša otcjuznina”
(Our Motherland, Publishing House of V. Paďak, Uzhorod 2005).
Therefore we are not going to write about him details, we just recall
basic data on him.
P. R.
Magocsi was born on January 26th, 1945 in Englewood, New
Jersey, USA, he studied and acquired his titles at universities of
Rutger, Prinston, Harward and Toronto and at present he is a member of
the Canadian Royal Science Academy, a head of the Ukrainian studies
department of the Toronto University. Apart from this he is a president
of Carpatho-Rusyn Science Centre in Ocal, Florida, USA since its
establishment, from establishment of the World Congress of Rusyns in
1991 he is a member of the World Council of Rusyns and a head of
delegation of Rusyns of the Northern America at meetings of the World
Congress of Rusyns. However, a significant fact is that Magocsi worked
in the field of Rusyn studies not only as verbal propagator but as
scholar one, as he has written many scientific works and monographs on
this topic. We really appreciate especially Encyclopaedia of Rusyn
History and Culture published in English language in two editions
(Toronto 2002, 2005) in co-authoring with Prof. Ivan Pop. At present he
is preparing its Ukrainian version and later it shall be also published
in the Rusyn language. Prof. Magocsi is an author of about 600
scientific works and several tens of valuable monographs, out of which
there are papers on the Rusyns from field of Rusyn studies, therefore he
is worth the name – the most significant Rusyn studies scholar of the 20th
and 21st centuries.
it did not come as surprise that it was just P. R. Magocsi, who was
elected for a new chairman of the World Council of Rusyns at the 8th
World Congress of Rusyns on June 25th, 2005 in Polish
Krynica. He was offered this function also before, but he has not
accepted it, because as he says scientific work is primary for him.
However, at the last meeting of Congress, due to the pressure of
situation in the WCR he accepted this function and we believe that under
his leadership the World Congress of Rusyns and its executive body the
World Council of Rusyns shall make another step forward. He is also
convinced about it, as he would have not accepted this function
otherwise under conditions given.
He received
many congratulations with his new function and several wishes were
expressed, however, difficult specific tasks stand before him, for
meeting of which he shall need much patience and strength. Our common
goal is that the world movement of Rusyns do not stagnate, but flourish.
A. Z., picture of
the author

Vasil Turok, the first chairman of World Council of Rusyns (WCR), has
died …
… one of the first to,
after 1989, realise that we can finally claim Rusyn as our nationality
and our mother tongue. However, he not only realised that but also felt
in his heart. He was a proud Rusyn from Habura at Medzilaborce, born in
the depths of war – on January 8th, 1940.
After high school and
university graduation in Bratislava, he came back to the East of
Slovakia, where he worked as a teacher for a long period of time – first
at the Secondary Comprehensive School on Revolucna street (nowadays
called Dilongova), later at the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Presov.
However, his most significant contribution can be seen in the process of
the Rusyn revival, the renaissance of Rusyn identity and everything that
went along with it. His contribution to dramatics is highly noticeable;
especially his work as dramatic adviser, translator and director in the
Alexander Dukhnovich Theatre, the only professional Rusyn theatre
worldwide. He took part in the birth of the first Rusyn
cultural-national organisation in the then Czechoslovakia – the Rusyn
Revival; he was the first chairman of the World Council of Rusyns – the
executive committee of the first international Rusyn organisation – the
World Congress of Rusyns, where he was giving the lead for the
development of Rusynism for the first ten hardest years in the world
A lot more
could be written about Vasiľ Turok, maybe a whole book, but no words
will bring him back to life, back to his relatives, friends and
colleagues. All those who are going to miss him were taken by surprise
by his sudden death on November 7th, 2005. Peace with you.
“Vichnaya Tobi Pamyat, Vasilyu!”