Marine Sergeant Michael Strank Awarded Certificate of US Citizenship
publication about the history of Rusyns
Marine Sergeant Michael Strank
Awarded Certificate of US Citizenship
(Carpatho-Rusyn Society Recognizes Award and Calls Attention to
Strank’s Carpatho-Rusyn Ethnicity.)
Munhall, Pannsylvania:
The Carpatho-Rusyn Society proudly recognizes and welcomes
the posthumous award of a certificate of United States
citizenship to Rusyn-American Sgt. Michael Strank. On
July 29, 2008, in a ceremony in
front of the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington,
Virginia, Strank’s sister, Mary Pero, accepted a
certificate of citizenship on his behalf from the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS).
Michael Strank was a sergeant in the United States Marine
Corps during World War II. He was photographed raising the flag
atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima and is
depicted in the famous statue that commemorates the event.
Strank died in combat a two weeks later – March 1, 1945..
in the Rusyn-inhabited village of Jarabina,
Czechoslovakia in 1919, Strank was the son of Vasyl
Strenk and Marta Grofikova. Vasyl Strenk emigrated to
Franklin Borough near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where, like many
Rusyn immigrants, he found work in a steel mill. His family,
including his son Michael, joined him in 1922.
The Rusyns, also known as Rusnaks or Ruthenians, are
indigenous to the Carpathian mountain region of Eastern Europe
(Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, with immigrant
communities in Serbia and Croatia). Because they have never had
their own state, and because the Soviet-bloc countries refused
to recognize Rusyns as a distinct national group, there has
always been some confusion about the Rusyn ethnicity, which is
distinct from Slovak, Czech, and other East European
The confusion has extended to the representation of
Michael Strank. In the book and film, Flags of Our Fathers,
Strank is incorrectly identified as Czech, and in recent
press accounts, he is mis-identified as Slovak. While his
family emigrated from the state of Czechoslovakia, and while the
village of Jarabina is currently located in the Slovak Republic,
there is no doubt about Strank’s Rusyn origins and ethnicity.
In the naturalization documents filed by his parents in
Cambria Country, Pennsylvania, they
declared their nationality as Ruthenian (Rusyn).
Although Strank became a citizen in 1935 when his father
was naturalized, he never received a certificate of citizenship.
Until recently, the Marine Corps was unaware that Strank was an
immigrant. Gunnery Sergeant Matt Blais, a Marine security guard
at the American Embassy in Slovakia, discovered that Strank was
not a natural-born U.S. citizen and he petitioned the United
States Citizenship and Immigration Services on Strank’s behalf
for posthumous naturalization.
At the ceremony before the memorial that depicts Strank,
Jonathan Scharfen, acting director of CIS, noted that Strank’s
story represents the contributions that immigrants have made to
the United States throughout its history. The Carpatho-Rusyn
Society celebrates the bravery and sacrifice of Michael Strank
and all the men and women of Rusyn heritage who have served and
continue to serve on behalf of our country.
About Carpatho-Rusyn Society in USA
The Carpatho-Rusyn Society in USA is a non-profit
organization dedicated to educating Rusyns and others about
Rusyn history and culture and committed to supporting Rusyn
culture in the Rusyn homeland in east central Europe.
As a membership organization, it boasts over 1,800 members
worldwide who support the organization’s work through their
annual dues as well as voluntary contributions to funds that
support Rusyn cultural development abroad, as well as
humanitarian aid for Rusyn communities in Europe.
For more information, see
Baltimore, USA
19. 9. 2008
publication about the
history of Rusyns
This is what we could call the newest publication by PAUL ROBERT
MAGOCSI, a Professor at Toronto University, a member of the
Royal Canadian Academy of Science, entitled “НАРОД НИВЫДКЫ –
ілустрована історія карпаторусинôв“ (THE PEOPLE FROM NOWHERE–
Illustrated History of Carpathian Rusyns). It was issued
recently by the V. Paďak Publishing House (Uzhhorod, 2007). The
book is written on 120 pages and in a concise way
(which is not easy, as, like the author said, it is a lot easier
to write lengthily) presents the history of Rusyns from our
ancestors in the oldest times until the present day. It is
written in a reader-friendly style and can serve children in
schools as well as the youth and adults. This precious and
interesting book will be presented to all children learning the
Rusyn language and culture at schools, but it can also serve as
a nice gift for every Rusyn.
First, the book was published in English (one part in Uzhhorod
(2006) and the other in Toronto (2006), and later translated
from English into Ukrainian by Serhij Bilecky and Nadija
Kuško (published in Uzhhorod 2006). Consequently, Valerij
Paďak, CSc. translated it into Rusyn and he also prepared
commentaries to pictures, since about half of the book’s content
consists of high-quality illustrations, which the aforementioned
translator and publisher chose from the rich archive of Paul
Robert Magocsi and the Research Centre of Carpathian Studies at
the V. Paďak Publishing House. Larysa Iľčenko was the
editor in charge and the author of the graphical layout of the
work. This has been the 155th book published
by the V. Paďak Publishing House in Uzhhorod and it has all the
characteristics necessary to become a manual for all conscious
Rusyns. This book will, however, be published in other
languages, too, so that as many Rusyns and members of other
nations as possible could learn about the history of Rusyns.
Versions in Slovak, Romanian, Polish, language of Rusyn Duchy in
Serbia, Serbian, Croatian, Czech and Hungarian are being
prepared (basically in the languages of all those countries
where the most Rusyns live and where membership organisations of
the World Congress of Rusyns have their headquarters). The
Romanian version (all being well) is supposed to be issued
before the 9th World Congress of Rusyns in the
Romanian town of Sighetul Marmaţiei, taking place on June 21st
– 24th, 2007. It would be a good promotion of not
only the Congress, but Rusyns in Romania in general.
It is thanks to Steven Chepa, a Rusyn philanthropist,
sponsor, President of Norstone Financial Corporation in Toronto,
Canada, that this book has already been published in three and
will be issued in several further languages. Big thanks
to him for his beneficial deed. Thanks to him, all school
children who learn Rusyn, be it in Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland,
Hungary or Serbia, will get a free copy of the book.
Everybody else can buy or order the book on the following
addresses: Akadémia rusínskej kultúry v Slovenskej republike
or: Svetový kongres Rusínov (for those who prefer to
send a cheque), Duchnovičovo nám. 1, 081 48 Prešov, Slovenská
republika. The book can also be ordered by phone from the
following number: 0905 470 884 or the following e-mail
address: The book is hardback and full-colour,
and, yet, it can be purchased for only 200 Sk plus 50 Sk
p&p (within Slovakia), $8 plus $8 p&p (for
neighbouring countries), $8 plus $13 (for other
European countries) or $8 plus $16 p&p (for countries
outside Europe). The reason why the book is so cheap is that
we want it to be affordable for everybody! We hope for high
public interest. Those who want to buy the book in person from
the aforementioned address can do so on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 8 to 10.30 am.
A. Z.,
April 16th, 2007
Holy Father Benedict XVI was requested to review and approve the
commencement of the cause toward the saintly status of our Rusyn
Greek-Catholic priest, Father Andrew Timkovic (1919-1987) from
Kosice, Slovakia
In the March 2007
Rev. Gorazd A. Timkovic, OSBM, published book:
Timkovic Andrew
(1919-1987) - the story about normal married priest - (Timkovič
Andrej (1919-1987) - príbeh zvyčajneho ženatého farára), Presov,
2007, 464 pp. This story of an obedient and faithful, loving
priest is written in Slovak language.
19th of the March 2007 Revs.
Timkovic asked Holy Father Benedict XVI, and local
Greek-Catholic bishop Milan Chautur, CSsR - CLICK HERE, to begin
process of the "cause" of Rev. Andrew Timkovic (1919-1987), who
was heartily persecuted by the Nazis, atheist Communists and
Roman-Catholics (see published preface below). Timkovics believe
that their paternal father's love and holiness, exemplified by
the saintly life of Rev. Andrew Timkovic (martyrized by Roman
Catholics), will help not only to get Orthodox and Roman
Catholic Churches recognizing their common struggles, but also
to fulfill a significant priority of the Pontificate of His
Holiness Benedict XVI in seeking UNITY BETWEEN ORTHODOX AND
ROMAN CATHOLICS as the best solution in following Christ's
Instructions to today's Apostolic Churches.
Preface from the book:
Every era has her faithful martyrs
whose lives bring witness and help on our journey of faith,
especially in this time period. Greek-Catholic priest Father
Andrew Fedorovic Timkovic (1919-1987) is one of those
outstanding obediently faithful; he is a simple but clever man
whose life story bears evidence of power he drew from his
Catholic faith even in the hard days of his life. As a Ruthenian
Greek-Catholic priest he lived his life serving God although, at
times, executing his pastoral service under public pressure.
Father Andrew raised 4 children and
all completed University studies (one doctorate of human
medicine, two doctorates of vet medicine and one electrical
engineer). Three of the four Timkovic children have graduated
from Theological Colleges (later after their father Andrew death).
Therefore, we can say the eldest of children graduated at one
College and other three at two Colleges!
Andrew was accused by the fascists
because he sympathized with the Communists; later he was
persecuted by the Communists for he was always faithful to the
Roman Catholic Church (Union), also named the Latin Church.
Finally, he was persecuted by the Latins because he defended
Greek-Catholic rite (Greek-Catholic particular Ruthenian sui
iuris Church) against Latinization.
- In the Nazi era Andrew Timkovic
was victimized and imprisoned by the Gestapo and Horthy police
for his sympathy with the Communist intended ideology, which was
highly socially attractive at its begining.
- After the elimination of the
Greek-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1950 he was
persecuted and victimized by the Communist Regime for his
allegiance with the Pope and because he did not agree to
communist constrained Orthodoxy.
- After 1968, when the
self-governing particular Greek-Catholic Church in
Czechoslovakia was restored with limitations, Father Andrew
Timkovic was intrigue-persecuted by the local Roman-Catholic
hierarchy as he remained strongly faithful to his Greek-Catholic
Church; Father Andrew strongly protested the illegal transfer of
worshippers and property into the Latin church.
Father Andrew Timkovic's unwearying
energy was consistent and steady in his endless fight for
justice and surviving of his own family; he died and went to the
Lord in 1987 without experiencing the new era in Czechoslovakia
(1989). Father Andrew lived his life in the middle of the
world's wrongs but he wasn't mastered by evil nor would the
world deprive him of his faithful independence and inner freedom
for the Lord. He tried to overcome all the dimensions of life
with a spirit of justice, truth, love and devotion to God. In
the Holy Bible we find words which fully reflect the life
difficulties of Father Andrew Timkovic:
- "But even if you should suffer for
what is right, you are blessed" (1Pt 3,14).
- "Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Mt 5,6).
- "Blessed are those who are
persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven" (Mt 5,10).
The biography of the Greek-Catholic
priest Father Andrew Timkovic illustrates the fate of the entire
Ruthenian-Rusyn nation especially in the Southern Carpathian
Mountains in the 20th century. The Carpatho-Rus nation was
- persecuted and oppressed during
the Nazi era (annexation of Subcarpathian Rus by Horthy Hungary),
- persecuted during Communist reign
(denial of the proper description RUTHENIAN-RUSYN and forced
usage of the insensitive title UKRAINIAN; the 1950 elimination
of Ruthenian Presov Greek-Catholic eparchy and in 1968 replaced
it with the Slovak Presov Greek-Catholic eparchy).
- violently assimilated and
latinized when Rusyn-Ruthenian Greek-Catholics were forced by
local church hierarchy (assigned by Vatican Slovak chauvinists)
to switch to improperly named Slovak Greek-Catholics and
subsequently to Slovak Roman-Catholics.
If the life
story and destiny of the faithful and heroic figure of this book
appears to have novel characteristics it is not due to the
writer's credit. Nothing in this book has been fabricated. This
book is a work confirmed by many here publicized documents,
which are the facts, hence its historic elements have been
experienced by Father Andrew Timkovic's truly obedient and
faithful life...
Another publication dedicated to the history of Carpathian
Rusyns, a Ukrainian translation by S. Bileňsky and N.
Kuškova, was issued towards the end of 2006 in Uzhhorod
under the attractive title: Народ нізвідки: ілюстрована
історія карпаторусинів (The People from Nowhere:
An Illustrated History of Carpatho-Rusyns). Its author,
Professor at Toronto University and a member of the Canadian
Royal Academy of Science Paul Robert Magocsi, has been
doing research in the area of Rusyn matters for many years
and achieved more than one deserved success. He is an
experienced researcher whose work has always been typified by
logical argumentation, transparency and credibility, and, at the
same time, it has almost always brought some innovation.
This publication is no exception. P. R. Magocsi, (this time also
with very competent colleagues), prepared a brief overview of
the history of Rusyns from the oldest times until the present
period in an especially successful form. The publishing
company of V. Paďak in Uzhhorod has clearly done a great job
and those who are interested can get a book really worth buying.
The monograph Народ нізвідки evidently
bears all the signs of a popular academic publication, which is
proven not only by its slender size, reader-friendly style,
transparent structure and minimised notations, but also a large
share of illustrations in its content. At the same time, it is a
highly professional and erudite work, written with a great deal
of knowledge of the matter, which, in many ways, fulfils even
stricter, academic criteria. The first guarantee of
professionalism is the author’s name itself. He has never
descended to cheap propaganda, he has always written and acted
correctly and lead only serious discussions with critics.
The author guaranteed objectivity of the
presented work especially by always using the outcomes of his
own research, which he contrasted with the majority academic
opinion. This is how he saved the work from unsupported claims,
which can often be found especially in interpretation of the
oldest history, beginning with various autochtone theories and
ideas about Rusyns as direct inheritors of the original Slavonic
or Eastern-Slavonic ethnic group, about their Celtic ethnic
origin and so on. To his credit, in the respective passages, he
does not present various commonly-spread myths and legends,
which many authors use as historic facts.
Naturally, the author could not ignore thoughts about a possible
Christianisation of Rusyns by Constantine and Method before
their important Great-Moravian mission, a mention of Anonymous’s
Chronicle about the sad fate of Prince Laborec or records about
the Russian mark, which is sometimes interpreted as a specific,
autonomous, administrative unit of Rusyn inhabitants in the
Hungarian Empire. In favour of forming national identity of
Rusyns, documents about the worthy activities of Fedor
Korjatovych were naturally used. This is also true about
documents characterising participation of Rusyns in the
anti-Habsburg peasants’ revolt.
Such an approach would be neither academic nor correct. That is
why P. Magocsi in the text and V. Paďak in the
comments to the illustrations include adequate time and content
information connected to the respective sequences. For this
purpose, they used primary historic sources, and, in each case
they bring the reader’s
attention to
possible doubts about the credibility of some data and to
consequent hyperbole.
Although the publication is not large in its content (120 pages
including numerous illustrations), this does not decrease its
message. This was achieved by the systematic character of the
book, even at the cost of dedicating various levels of detail to
individual historic periods, events or processes. Some historic
facts were only touched upon, some were elaborated upon in
encyclopaedic style. In spite of this, the description of the
events does not appear dry, as it is often the case with such
Undoubtedly, historic development of Carpathian Rusyns is a very
complicated process, especially its ethnogenesis. That is why it
is far from easy to explain, but this is a handicap of those
ethnic groups, which, for various reasons, have not achieved
their own independence. On the other hand, the text of the
publication sounds entirely clear and natural, which is also
helped by its transparent structure. Dividing the slender
academic book into as many as nine chapters is, however,
approaching the line of unacceptability.
It is not a secret, nor a mistake, that the publication of
the book has a certain nation building dimension, that it is
trying to increase and strengthen national awareness of the
Rusyn ethnic group. In the end, if an author who is the
Chairman of the World Council of Rusyns omitted this aspect, it
would be rather strange. It is noteworthy, though, that, in the
book, there is no sign of nationalism or xenophobia, which is
quite common in similar publications and which often, uselessly,
initiates venomous controversies. Only in vain would we look for
invectives against pro-Ukrainian ethnic groups, against the
Ukrainian nation or state; of course, not taking into account
critical remarks on the non-acknowledgement of the Rusyn
minority in Ukraine.
A significant advantage of the presented work is an impartial
commentary on the important role of religion and churches in the
history of the Rusyn ethnic group. The influence of religion and
church institutions is evaluated in a very realistic manner. The
author finds the influence indisputable, but does not overrate
it, which is quite rare among present Rusyn authors. The fact
that P. Magocsi does not favour the Greek-Catholic Church must
also be appreciated. Similar attention has been paid to the
functioning of the Orthodox Church and its clergy. Thus, it is
not only representatives of the Union (A. Bačinskij, J.
Bazilovič, M. Lučkaj, A, Duchnovič, V. Hadžega, P. P. Gojdič, T.
Romža) who are presented as positive historic figures, but
also representatives of the Orthodox Church (J. Zejkan, A.
Tóth, M. Sandovič).
The publication Народ нізвідки has not only
interesting content but also attractive form, which is why it
must satisfy every reader and evoke the keen interest of the
public. This is thanks to the form of material elaboration and
the style of its presentation as well as its aesthetic
qualities, especially brilliant illustrations of various kinds,
which are adequately and sensibly arranged within the content
and chronological sequence. Commentaries to illustrations by
V. Paďak, subtly complete and specify the main text and are
an organic part of the monograph. The rich illustration material
pictures natural surroundings, historic figures, folklore,
architecture, maps, documents as well as publications connected
to the history of the Carpathian Rusyns. The variety of this
material does not allow an impression of congestion
and stuffiness, which is quite common if the artistic aspect is
Naturally, there is no human product in the world that would
have no mistakes or defects. The presented illustrated
publication about the history of the Carpathian Rusyns has also
its weaknesses. Certain simplifications in the description of
the historic process in the Carpathian area is one of them. This
is a consequence of a discrepancy between the size of the book
and its content and time boundaries. An inexperienced reader
could get the impression that the development of the Rusyn
ethnic group happened in certain leaps and, without significant
problems, directly headed toward the present time. That is why
continuity of the historic development should have been
expressed more pithily.
Statistics is a common weakness in similar publications,
especially when referring to such a large time and space frame
as in this case. Numbers give the impression of exactness and
argumentative power if they are accurate, refer to a concrete
phenomenon and can be verified at present. If this is not the
case, and this concerns almost all historical statistics, they
are only of a superficial importance. They are useful in
creating or specifying reader’s
but they
cannot be used to draw historic and, even less, politic
conclusions. If data were calculated in different ways and
times, they cannot be compared at all.
A certain unbalance can be observed when comparing the amount of
space and information devoted to the history of Rusyns living in
particular regions. Naturally, in history as well as present
conditions, a majority of the Rusyn ethnic group has lived in
the present-day Zakarpat’ska
region of Ukraine and in north-eastern
Slovakia. This does not mean, though, that the history of Lemkos
can be reduced to the issue of the Florin Republic or the event
of “Wisla“. Rather little attention was paid to the Rusyn
commonalty in America, which has significantly influenced
solving the issue of Carpathian Rusyns since the beginning of
the 20th century. The Rusyn localities in present-day
Hungary and Romania are, in the publication, mentioned only
From our point of view, the most controversial issue in the
whole monograph is using the term Carpathian Rus’
to refer to residential region of Rusyns in Ukraine and
Slovakia, as well as Lemkos in south-eastern Poland. We are
convinced that it is at the best inappropriate to give a
distinctive name to a territory located according to
ethnographic borders, if a certain political aspect is
concerned. It is unacceptable also in such a case if the ethnic
borders were determined in the most impartial way possible. We
do not think, though, that this is the case of the Rusyns in the
central Europe. Apart from this, with regard to the historically
well-known (and in the past also partly officially used) terms
such as Sub-Carpathian Rus’,
Carpathian Ukraine, PriKarpatska Rus’,
which actually referred to various administrative and
geographical units, rehabilitation of the term Carpathian
Rus’ would deepen non-transparency or even confusion in
Not considering the outlined facts, in general it can be claimed
that the attractive publication The People from Nowhere
represents another important step in getting to know the
history of the Rusyn ethnic group in the Carpathian area, and
especially its popularisation. That is why sincere thanks need
to be expressed to the author of the work, his close colleagues,
the publisher, as well as sponsors. The work, thanks to a
respectable content and excellently managed form, can fulfil
several functions and, at the same time, serve as a
complementary educational text, a handbook for teachers and
students, a representative gift, but especially as a good piece
on the bookshelf of every Rusyn patriot.
PhDr. Stanislav KONEČNÝ, CSc.,
Institute of Humanities, Slovak Academy of Science, Košice,
March 12th, 2007
The first Rusyn event in the Slavonic Department...
The cover of the newest book of Prof. Paul Robert
Magocsi – Narod nîvydky (THE
has already been issued in three editions – Rusyn,
English and Ukrainian. In 2007, Slovak, Romanian and
Polish editions will be published.
... On February 16th, 2007, a significant event took
place in the State Academic Library (SAL) in Prešov – a
presentation of the two newest books connected to the name of
Paul Robert Magocsi, a professor at the Toronto University and a
member of the Canadian Royal Academy of Science – NAROD NîVYDKY
The first one was written by Professor Magocsi and it
was presented in three versions – Rusyn, English and Ukrainian.
The second one is an annual of academic articles in the area of
Rusyn studies, which was compiled by three Professors from the
USA: Bogdan Horbal, Patricia A. Krafcik and Elaine Rusinko. In
the annual, 23 authors from various countries contributed in
five different languages. In Slovak Rusyn, the article
Rusînskyj jazyk u svitľi peršych zmin pravyl pravopysu (The
Rusyn Language Illuminated by the First Orthographic Changes)
by Assistant Professor Vasiľ Jabur and Doctor Anna Pliškova,
PhD., employees at the Department of Rusyn Language and Culture,
Institute of Regional and Ethnic Minority Studies, University of
Prešov. Apart from them, the following academics from Slovakia
presented their articles in the above publication: Professor
Juraj Vaňko, CSc. (translator’s note: CSc. – socialist era
qualification equivalent to PhD.), Professor Peter Švorc, CSc.,
Doctor Marián Gajdoš, CSc., and Doctor Stanislav Konečný, CSc.
The following authors from Slovakia were also present at the
gala presentation of the book Carpatho-Rusyns and their
Neighbors: A. Plišková, S. Konečný and P. Švorc. The annual
was kept a secret from P. R. Magocsi, as it was supposed to be a
surprise gift dedicated to him as one of the most significant
historians in the world for his 60th birthday in
2006, which was successfully managed.
At the beginning of the book presentation in the Slavonic
Department of the State Academic Library (SAL), a performance of
members of “Šariš“ folk group (based at the M. Moyzes Music
School in Prešov and lead by J. Piroh, a teacher and the group
leader) created a festive atmosphere and pleased all those in
The guests of honour at the presentation:
(from left to right) Professor Š. Šutaj, DrSc., Professor P.
Švorc, CSc. (who gave an academic talk about the annual
Carpatho-Rusyns and their Neighbors), Professor P. R. Magocsi,
PhD. and Doctor S. Konečný, CSc. (who gave an academic talk
about the book Narod nîvydky). The guests were welcomed by Mgr.
V. Zavadská, the Head of SAL in Prešov, who, on behalf of the
Slavonic Department of SAL, was presented with the newest
valuable publications by P. R. Magocsi. In the background, Mgr.
Alexander Zozuľák, the event organiser and presenter can be
The presentation of both books was of high quality and enriched
the cultural-nationality life of not only Rusyns in Prešov, but
also broader communities of readers of other nationalities. It
was prepared by the Slovak Association of Rusyn Organisations in
cooperation with the State Academic Library in Prešov.
A. Z., photos by P. Krajňák, February 17th,
Short chronology of events in Krasnobrod monastery
(Great Monastery - in Hungarian language called Nagymonostor)
To the 9th century the pagan cult center of the Taurus;
9th century - according to S. Papp Monastery funded by the
Rusyn-Ruthenian Count Laborec;
14th century - Monastery destroied by Karol Robert from Anjou...
The miracle
the icon of the Theotokos from Krasnobrod Monastery
and after great donations from the Rusyn-Ruthenian Count, Theodor
Koriatovich and reconstruction of Monastery;
to the 17th century - the great lavra (Nagymonostor with its own
1603 - the burning and reconstruction by the protestant count
Valentine Drugeth;
1614 - attempts made toward unification, known as The Krasnobrod
"unia" by count George
1651-1664 - the ecclesial residence of the Greek-Catholic
archimandrite-bishop P. Petrovic, OSBM;
1703-1711 - the decline of Monasticism during the Rakoczy
1729 - the resettling of the Krasnobrod Monastery by Mukachevo
1750-1752 - the construction of the stone-built (Masonry) Church
of the Descent of the Holy Spirit;
1759 - the construction of the stone-built Monastery and Chapel
of The Holy Protection;
1747-1820 - inaugural steps towards The school of Philosophy and
iconography studies at the Krasnobrod Monastery;
1806 - the exceptional authoritative grant (pledge) of
forgiveness bestowed by the Pope;
1821 - ordination of the first Presov Greek-Catholic bishop G.
1915 - the Monastery was destroyed during World War I;
1949/50 - liquidation of The Order of St. Basil the Great during
communist regime;
1968 - restoration of Greek-Catholic pilgrimages;
1990 - restoration of pilgrimages within The Basilian Order;
1998 - 2001 - reconstruction of Basilian Monastery building close
to their original location.
2002 - consecration of
Monastery complex
by 4 Greek-Catholic bishops;
2004 - initial beginnings of construction pertaining the new
Monastery Church.
x x
the ancient Subcarpathian Region (in the north-eastern part of present
day Slovakia) near the city of Medzilaborce, lie
the ruins of one of the oldest Basilian monasteries
in Slovak Republic, the Descent of the Holy Spirit Monastery - the
Monastery of Krasny Brod.
According to tradition, it was funded by the Count Laborec in 9th
century and later refunded by the Count Teodor Koriatovich (+1414).
From the end of the XVIII to the early part of the XIX century, it
flourished as the Basilian Philosophical-Theological University.
In its glorious past it was destroyed three times: once at the beginning
of the XVII century, once again at the beginning of the XVIII century
and lastly in 1915. After its first, second and third destruction the
monastery was rebuilt. Lastly it was rebuilt in 1999-2002, but not at
his original place (to keep old historical ruins) but 50 metres beside
it. Now this
Basilian monastery
has 20 rooms for monks.
Today there are living three ieromonks: Sedlacek, Bilancik, Lucak and
brother Antonak as candidate of Basilians.
If You want to study more the famouse history of this Basilian monastery,
take to Your hands the book: J.V. Timkovic,
Letopis Krasnobrodskeho monastiera alebo kusok zo slavnych dejin
greckokatolikov na Slovensku,
Presov, 1995, 126 pp. Book is written in slovak language with many
footnotes in original.

All the
revolutionary events in the history have influenced also formation and
development of national emancipation process, whatever nation or ethnic
minority. Thus logically, the most important revolutionary events in
Europe during 19th and 20th century have affected also the process of
national emancipation of the Rusyns.
the process of national renascence, most nations have solved almost all
elementary issues of their national existence, including the issue of
written language which was usually occupying the leading position in
this process. The Rusyns, contrary to other Slavonic and non-Slavonic
minorities, have not solved a single one of the basic issues concerning
their national existence during the process of national renascence in
the first half of 19th century. We talk about an issue of national
identity among other Slavonic minorities, issues of cultural
orientation, written language or at least the issue of the name for the
minority. Therefore, they had to carry these issues over to 20th
century. And in this century, they were offered the opportunity to solve
these basic issues three times.
first such opportunity for the Rusyns was in 1918 in the newly formed
Czechoslovak Republic, the Slavonic state, which has guaranteed their
right to develop their culture in their native language and to use their
language in public, in press and schools, though Slovak administration
was trying to introduce Slovak language as educating language in
Greek-Catholic elementary schools, in which education was performed in
Hungarian language until 1919. However, east-Slovakian Rusyns did not
take their chance due to disunity of their representatives who had
formed three fractions: Russia-phile, Ukraine-phile and Rusyn-phile.
This disunity was even multiplied by quarrels between the Greek-Catholic
Church, representing the local Rusyn national orientation, and the
Orthodox Church, supporting the pro-Russian fraction.
The end
of World War II and installation of the communist political and social
regime in reformed Czechoslovakia can hardly be regarded as the second
opportunity which might have been used by the Rusyns to start the
process of national emancipation. Elimination of the Greek-Catholic
Church, accompanied by rapid official implementation of the Ukrainian
language as the educational language in the Rusyn region, together with
introduction of ethonym „Ukrainians“ as the official name for the
Rusyns, and even the violent agricultural collectivization could not
help to solve an issue of national identity of the Rusyns. On the
contrary, this social situation created suitable conditions for their
assimilation. Whole this process is aptly explained by Professor Paul
Robert Magocsi of the Toronto University who has been studying the
Rusyns for almost 30 years: “It was caused by the fact that people
felt like being robbed of their land, religion and also Rusyn
nationality. Thus many have concluded that if they cannot identify
themselves as Rusyns and have their own Rusyn schools, it will be better
to become Slovaks than Ukrainians. “ 1
real opportunity to revive the process of national consciousness
formation and to solve the basic issues of Rusyn national existence came
in 1968 with an attempt to introduce radical democratic reforms into
political and economic life in Czechoslovakia. However, this effort was
interrupted on 21 August 1968 by arrival of Soviet Army and armies of
Warsaw Treaty. The only positive result, reached by Rusyns in this
period, was renewal of the Greek-Catholic Church (in June 1968) which,
however, could not support Rusyns‘ awaking national consciousness again
and again in the process of normalization. Rusyns‘ national identity
formation was weakened also by introduction of Slovak language
as liturgical language in parishes with the Rusyn population.
Generally, we can say that events in Czechoslovakia, following year
1968, have brought the Rusyns more negative consequences than positive
third opportunity to solve the basic issues of the national existence
appeared for the Rusyns after democratic revolution in Czechoslovakia in
November 1989. To find the solution, the new organizational base was
supposed to be established, which would be able to present political and
cultural requirements of the Rusyns living in Slovakia. Though the
process of establishing such base has repeatedly proved disunity among
representatives of this minority, resulting from the fact that the basic
problems were not solved, democratic principles of building the society
have offered Rusyns the possibility to solve them on the free-choice
basis. West-European countries with flourishing economy and rich
cultural and democratic traditions became a model and example of general
progress, motivating the Rusyns, as well as most Slovak people.
policy of open border between Carpathian post-communist countries, where
the Rusyns live, emerged a new hope for them in 1990’s. Being member
states of the Conference on Safety and
Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), they have ratified several agreements
concerning minority rights. Particularly important for the Rusyns were
decisions approved at the conference in
Copenhagen in June 1990 which say that „appurtenance to certain
ethnic minority is a personal matter of the individuals and no
disadvantages can result from that for them“ . Moreover,
„individuals who belong to minorities can perform their activities
together with other members of the community“.
Copenhagen Treaty recognizes also the role of non-governmental
organizations in supporting the interests of minorities and it invites
participating countries to guarantee that education of history and
culture in educating institutions „will take into consideration also
history and culture of ethnic minorities“.
At the following CBSE meeting in Geneva (July 1991), member states
accepted special administrative measures which ensure for the minorities
the right for membership in non-governmental organizations in foreign
countries. Administration also certified the principle that individuals
or organizations representing ethnic minorities were allowed to have
„contacts without difficulties... across the borders... with persons of
the same ethnic or national origin“.
In the
new situation, characteristic by explosion of the Rusyn national
consciousness as well as the fact that many European countries and
non-governmental organizations are interested in the Rusyns, they start
to realize their position as one of many European nationalities. They
start to build their regional minority organizations (Rusyn Renascence
in Slovakia, 1990) and inter-regional minority organizations ( the World
Congress of the Rusyns, 1991) and to apply for financial support for
their activities from the state.
the communist regime approached selectively towards minorities, the
Rusyn minority being an evidence of that, Slovak postcommunist
governments applied ratified international documents and in practice
they gradually had to identify themselves with the necessity to accept
ethnic heterogeneity in Slovakia, even in relation to two clearly
defined east-Slovakian ethnic orientations – Rusyn and Ukrainian.
Practically, it meant to divide financial support from the state into
two parts according to percentage ratio found in census in 1991 when 55%
of the budget was supposed to be given to Rusyn cultural organizations
and mass media and 45% to Ukrainian ones. Reality, however, was
different, and it was not changed even after the next census in 2001,
e.g. after 10 years, except for the last two years when the Rusyn
minority, on the contrary, wag getting smaller proportion of dotation
for development of culture, even though the number of SR inhabitants of
the Ukrainian nationality was significantly smaller than the Rusyn one.
However, as for financing the minority culture, the most critical period
for the Rusyn minority after 1989 was the period between years 1994 and
1998, so called period of the third Mečiar’s government, which can be
characterized as the period of discriminating measures towards minority
cultures. In 1995, the government changed standard practice of financing
the minority culture which is executed in three forms since then:
of objective transfer from budget section of the Ministry of Culture
of the SR for the projects developing minority culture: cultural
activities, publishing periodical and unperiodical press;
form of financing minority cultural organizations as state
contributory organizations, specifically on the level of district
form of providing finances for activities concentrated on minority
culture development within contributory organizations activities
arised under district offices;
of financing method probably most evidently affects activities of
minority unions and publishing periodical and unperiodical press in
minority language. This is caused by insufficient financing with limited
expenses year by year on one hand, and granting finances from the budget
determined for minority culture on the other hand, which did not have
required effect for given minority or did not correspond to minority
needs at all. For example in 1996, the Slovenská Republika newspaper was
publishing a supplement for minorities which, however, was read by the
minorities only to minimum extent but the budget of the minority
periodicals publishers was half-reduced for publishing in their mother
language. There were also cases when unperiodical press published by the
Kubko Goral - Slovak South publisher was supported to the exclusion of
support for periodical and unperiodical press in mother languages of the
minorities; in 2002 it was the case of organization for physically
disabled people. In all these cases the amount of money represented more
than several dozens of millions of Slovak crowns which were thus taken
from minority cultures.
the fact that since 1998 we witness minority policy reconstitution in
which the Slovak government is more accommodating than previous
governments and it is also a period characteristic for increased
participation of minority representatives on solving their own problems;
since 2002 we can constantly observe how the current government spends
given state dotation in limited amount, what significantly paralyses and
damages the level either of individual cultural minority activities or
level and frequency of their periodicals, the latter one being damaged
much more.
before 1995, the state allowed financing all the items concerning
preparation and realization of cultural activity and periodicals
publishing from the given dotation, at present they are reduced only to
the most necessary ones, e.g. for periodical press there are only 4 of
them – royalties, polygraphic expenses, other personal expenses and
travel expenses. It means that it is not allowed to draw finances for
deliveries into wages and insurance companies, for room renting, fuel,
telephone, fax, internet, stationery, and unfortunately, not even for
wages and salaries payment since 2004. 5 Thus after
systematic restrictions of professional work in minority organizations
and editorial offices since 1995, last year the Ministry of Culture of
the SR has even widened their restrictive steps – in minority unions as
well as editorial offices they have eliminated any possible professional
work. This is also the main reason of these organizations‘ activity
stagnation in recent years, because it gradually lapses into voluntary
level and it can disappear completely under systematic restrictions.
Just to compare, we give an example of period between 1991 and 1995 in
the editorial office of Rusyn periodical press – the weekly Narodny and
two-monthly Rusyn – there were 4 full-time professional editors; at
present – 10 years later – there is not a single employee in the
editorial office; and the newspaper frequency was reduced as well –
a weekly has first changed into two-weekly and nowadays it is only
a monthly, moreover, without any state dotation. The similar situation
is also in minority unions which expected this government, with
representation of the ethnic principle-based party, to have completely
different approach related to minority culture development. So far, it
seems that compared to a previous government, situation of the biggest
minority in Slovakia – Hungarian – has changed significantly, also due
to accepted principle of state finances distribution – dependent on
number of minority members. According to that principle, more than 50%
of the annual budget for the minority culture in the SR (about SVK 50
mil, except for year 2002, when this section was grossed up to SVK 80
mil and as much as 60% of this sum was for Hungarian culture
development), it is automatically determined only for one minority and
the rest more than 40% of the budget is divided into other at least 10
minorities. Based on this, e.g. only in 2004, the state subsidized 20
periodicals, this year there are 14; and 101 titles of unperiodical
press, this year there were about a hundred titles of Hungarian
unperiodical press.
Just to
compare – in case of Rusyn minority, state supports 2 periodicals each
year (since 2004 there are three Rusyn periodicals, sponsorship for one
of them was refused by the government because the approach of the
Section of Minority Cultures of the Ministry of Culture of SR towards
other minorities, except for Hungarian minority of course, applies the
principle of support for one periodical for each minority) and three
titles of unperiodical press at most. Similar situation is in relation
to other minorities, smaller in amount of members. So we think that it
is appropriate to reconsider the way of financing minority cultures,
moreover, it is also necessary to take other factors into consideration,
not only number of minority members, but also number of people admitting
their mother language, minority’s ability to find finances from other
sources, for example from mother countries; this is not possible in case
of the Rusyns or Romanies. In such cases, amount of given dotation
should be considered since it is unjust for the Rusyns not to have the
possibility to publish their own press during almost 40-year period and
also at present they are forced to stand the restrictive measures. It is
now even more paradoxical because the SR does not provide so little
amount of money for minority culture, it is just necessary to change the
conception of distribution.
these demerits from the Rusyn point of view, we can say that after 1989
development of this minority in fact shows positive trends which are
given by a new social and political situation and relevant legislation.
It is also positive that the Rusyns claim fulfilment of their human and
ethnic rights and fight for them in a legal way. Obstructions they meet
are usually of personal character in form of past time philosophy
relicts, persons still persisting at some posts in state administration
who acted in a way that the Rusyn were forced to exert much stronger
effort in fulfilling their constitutional rights. Maybe the most
remarkable example is a 12-year effort to start broadcasting in mother
Rusyn language in the Slovak Radio public radio station where Rusyn
broadcasting functions only since 2002, if we do not count unsuccessful
first attempt in 1998 which was made in pre-election period as well as
in 2002. Besides, Rusyns had to use almost all available methods to
reach their constitutional right – requests and complaints to the
highest governmental and state representatives, protest meetings, press
conferences, petitions and finally complaint addressed to European
Council in Strasburg. Disinterest of this institution’s authorities in
solving the problem to the Rusyns satisfaction was evident here and the
situation has improved only after some personal changes in the Slovak
situation was in another public institution – Slovak Television and the
Rusyns have met with similar ones in connection with declaration of
their mother language codification by the state officials from the
Ministry of Culture or even the Government Office in 1995. Very similar
situation had to be solved by the Rusyns in connection with fulfilment
of their right for education in mother language, mainly within academic
education. Anyway, first requests by the Rusyn Renascence in Slovakia
for establishing the study of Rusyn language at UPJŠ University and
department of Rusyn language and culture within this university was
submitted in 1993. Though the state earmarked objective dotation of SVK
1.5 mil in 1994 for establishing this department, it has not been done
yet and after 12-year troubles, similar to the case of Rusyn
broadcasting – again only after personal changes at the Prešov
University, Rusyn people lived to see successful accreditation of
bachelor study program, and maybe in the next school year they will live
to see also first students in this study program. It is really topmost
necessary, because the lack of qualified teachers influences the level
of teaching this subject in elementary and secondary schools.
regard to minority emancipation process, after 1989 the Rusyns in
Slovakia determined 10 primary objectives, realization of which was
supposed to create conditions for the final success of this process.
They are:
renewal of the Rusyn language teaching at schools in regions where
the Rusyns live and where parents show interest,
establish department of Rusyn language and culture with the purpose
to prepare qualified teachers and employees for other spheres of
cultural and minority life of the Rusyn minority,
establish independent Rusyn editorial office in the Slovak Radio in
Prešov for the Rusyn broadcasting,
start performances in the Rusyn language in the professional
Theatre of Alexander Duchnovič in Prešov,
prepare broadcasting for the Rusyns in the Slovak Television in
form an editorial office for periodical and unperiodical press in
the Rusyn language in Prešov,
develop a wide-scope activity among the Rusyns with the aim to
develop and promote folk art,
build contacts with other Rusyn organizations in the world and to
establish the World Congress of the Rusyns,
build contacts with minority organizations in Europe and to join
return the original function to the minority museum in Svidník – let
it be the museum of the Rusyn culture and serve this minority.
Rusyns managed to accomplish 8 of these objectives so far. However,
department of the Rusyn language and culture at the Prešov University
still does not exist, as we mentioned above; in 1999 the Section for
Rusyn Language and Culture was established at the Institute of Minority
Studies and Foreign Languages instead. The question of former Museum of
Ukrainian (at present Ukrainian-Rusyn) Culture in Svidník was neither
solved until now. Despite, most of determined objectives were fulfilled
and they brought required results in a form of increased number of
people living in Slovakia, admitting the Rusyn nationality in the last
census and declaring the Rusyn language as their mother language. They
represent very good fundamentals for development of other future
activities concentrated on building up the ethnic consciousness of this
minority; however, it will require very responsive approach from the
state institutions.
PhDr. Anna Plišková
Magocsi, P. R.: The Rusyns of
Slovakia. An Historical Survey.
New York, Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center, 1993, p. 106.
Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human
Dimension of the CSCE.
Copenhagen, 1990, p. 40 – 41, paragraph 32 and 32.6.
p 41, no. 34.
of the Meeting of Experts on National Minorities.
Geneva, 1991, p. 10.
Act of
the Ministry of Culture of the SR from 29 Aril 004 no. MK-480/2004-1 on
granting dotations from the Ministry of Culture of the SR.

pre-Munich republic
Russian cultural-edifying society, Alexander Duchnovič Society,
which went along with Carpathian Rusyns on their uneasy way during the
significant stage of their history, definitely deserves our attention
also nowadays. It is an example of the fact that it is possible to
establish the organisation, which is massive but at the same time able
for actions, ideologically decided but at the same time tolerating,
voluntary and disciplined, in the former Sub-Carpathian Russ and on the
adjacent part of the eastern Slovakia, without any political and
material state support.
културно-просветительное общество имени
Александра В. Духновича
Duchnovič Society) was established on 22nd March 1923 at the
meeting of 163 Rusyn nationalists in Mukachevo. The general meeting
became the supreme body, but the activity of society was mainly managed
by the central administration (централное правленіе)
and presidium headed by chairman of the society E. I. Sabov, vice
chairman Dr. J .V. Kaminsky and secretary Dr. S. A. Fencik.
The Alexander Duchnovič Society was from its beginning supported by the
new governor of Sub-Carpathian Russia Dr. A. Beskid, bishop of
Eparchy of Mukachevo P. Gebej, as well as by representatives of
state administration, officers, priests, and teachers of Russian
national and cultural orientation.
establishment of the branch in Prešov was the significant reinforcement
of the Alexander Duchnovič Society. It took place on 13th June 1924
with the participation of 18 Rusyn activists and two guests:
governor A. Beskid and Dr. Š. Fencik, the deputy of the
centre. The committee consisting of nine members was elected, headed by
the chairman Ivan Kizak. Disposal of the relatively spacious
Russian House, which was purchased in the year 1925, was
advantageous. The Russian club, established in the year
1923, became its official owner but it served to the whole
Society and its sections. The branch of the Society in Prešov was
quickly developing thanks to the support from the part of canonry and
also the local Russian schools. Since 19th June
1930 A. Duchnovič Society in Prešov has been an independent
organisation. The prelate Dr. Simeon Smandray became the chairman of
the Society, Jozef Kizak became its vice chairman and Ivan Gönder was
elected to the position of the secretary.
Causes and reasons of the
establishment of Alexander Duchnovič Society can be found in three
levels: historical, pragmatic, and fortificative.
Alexander Duchnovič Society developed its activity relatively soon; the
sections started to work, especially organisational,
literary-scientific, dramatic, musical-cantorial, library, the section
of Russian women, national houses, health-care-sanitary, and sporting
section. The whole line of branches of the Society and net of
reading-rooms were set up. In the year 1928 it was 189 reading-rooms in
Sub-Carpathia and 12 in Slovakia. The Society managed also 188 libraries
with 41.212 volumes. At that time under the patronage of society 107
drama clubs performed their activity, five of them in Slovakia, 31
cantorial clubs (two in Slovakia) and 16 music bands, two of them in
Slovakia. Only in the year 1928 Society organised more than 1 800
The big economic
depression in the years 1929-1933 had in Czechoslovakia more difficult
development than in other industrially developed states, regarding to
the high ratio of consumer industry and its export character. The
production during these years decreased in average to 60% of the level
before the economic depression. Of course, the recession seriously
touched especially Sub-Carpathia and northeast of Slovakia, which
belonged to the most backwoods parts of the state. This was determined
especially by the economic structure of the region, but also by some
further specifications in geographical and demographic area.
Also the
societies, A. Duchnovič Society and Просвіта, responded to
this situation. Throughout the years of depression the both
organisations in fact devoted less time to their principal problems,
which were the problems of language and ethnic and national culture
issue, and they demanded in their activities and petitions the
organizing of public works, unemployment benefits and import of grain,
but especially the import of corn from Romania, because there was a
threat of famine in some areas.
From 1933
the crisis of A. Duchnovič Society was appearing. This crisis was
determined by the change of political situation and social atmosphere.
The autonomy movement got the significant dimensions and achieved the
support of almost whole political spectrum in Sub-Carpathia Russia. The
autonomism was accompanied by requirement of administrative boarder
inspection between Sub-Carpathia and Slovakia, but it was perceived more
sensitively in Slovak environment than it was expected in the initial
objectives and documents. This issue became a stumbling block in
relations between Rusyns and Slovaks just during the times when the
defence of republic unity and its independency became actual issues.
To certain
extent, A. Duchnovič Society took over the speech of autonomian parties,
and by this act it brought some doubts about its loyalty to the
governmental structures. This situation was used by the Ukrainian
movement, which lead the activist politics outwards and declared the
support to republic integrity. The government started to perceive the
Russianphile stream represented by A. Brody and Š. Fencik as more
dangerous than Ukrainianphile movement, which they started to prefer.
Otherwise A. Duchnovič Society performed its activity furthest, but it
found itself in significant defensive and it was gradually loosing its
initial positions.
position and activity of the A. Duchnovič Society was weakened to
a significant extent by some personal changes made at the beginning of
1930s. In the year 1929 I. Kiziak, a chairman of the branch of
the Society in Prešov, died, and he was replaced by a prelate and canon
of the chapter, S. Smandray. The new leadership was not
consistent in total, as one part supported rather religious and moral
aspect in the activity of the Society, whereas the other one, headed by
T. Rojkovič, preferred national and cultural actions.
In the year
1931 the bishop of Mukachevo, P. Gebej, died, who himself, like
the bishop of Prešov, P. Gojdič, was of Rusyn belief, however,
for the sake of unity of the Church and nation he tried in a diplomatic
way to moderate contradiction between the Rusyn and Ukrainian political
stream and in this sense he supported actions of the Duchnovičs and the
society Просвіта. A general vicar and since 1932 a new bishop,
A. Stojka, avowed also to Rusyns, however, he sympathised with
pro-Hungarian tendencies.
A great
loss for the A. Duchnovič Society was the death of governor of
Sub-Carpathian Russia, Dr. A. Beskid, in the year 1933. He was
an eager supporter of the Society since the beginning and he fully
identified with its Russianphile program. At the same time he refused
pro-Hungarian policy, therefore he got support from the government. The
new governor K. Hrabar (1935-1938) tried to avoid conflicts
indeed, he propped himself upon aid from the country party, however, he
did not acquired a necessary authority even though in the year 1937
competencies of his office were extended.
and work of the Society was very negatively influenced by the death of
long-year chairman E. I. Sabov in the year 1934. Dr. J.
Kaminskij became a new chairman, however, the Society in fact was
headed by the secretary Dr. Š. Fencik. Without questions, he was
educated and able man, however, he had his own political activities, and
therefore the A. Duchnovič Society was not his priority. His engagement
in the autonomous movement and suspicion of support of aspirations of
Poland and Hungary in Sub-Carpathia did not prosper to the reputation of
the Society, as well as his sympathies for the Italian fascism.
In the year
1936 Dr. E. Bačinský was elected for a chairman. He tried to
retrieve the activity of the organisation in the original spirit,
however, he did not find understanding and in the year 1937 he resigned.
Not even complicated foreign political relations favoured intentions and
the mission of the Society.
Struggle of
Russianphile and Ukrainianphile stream in Sub-Carpathian Russia were
marked with certain differences in political work of rivalling clusters,
their different strategy and tactics. The Alexander Duchnovič Society
implemented its promotion work on campaign base. It made use of
important anniversaries of national revivalists, exposing of monuments,
opening of Russian houses, consecrating of society flags, organising of
so-called Russian days and the like. It achieve many success in this
and busts of A. Duchnovič, A. Dobrjanský, E. Fencik, A. Mitrak were
built and ceremonially exposed in several towns of Sub-Carpathian
Russia and eastern Slovakia. Apart from Russian houses in Prešov and
Uzgorod bolo there were 17 national house opened not only in district
centres (Svaľava, Iršava, Volovec), but also in bigger villages (Činadejevo,
Nižne Verecky, Zavadka, Bukovec, Sukov and the like). On other side,
Prosvita and Ukrainian national organisations focused more on patient
every day campaign work, which brought its fruits without any dispute.
Alexander Duchnovič Society in Sub-Carpathia formally terminated after
its affiliation to the USSR in the year 1945, in Slovakia even until
February 1948. However, its aim has not been met and in the field of
forming and strengthening of Rusyn national awareness it still has a lot
of to do even today. Therefore, it was not a coincidence that after
eliminating of totalitarian regimes the Society was restored both in
Sub-Carpathia and in Slovakia.
One shall
believe that after solution of organisational problems and elimination
of various misunderstandings the Society starts to work in the ideal of
its famous predecessor and avoid mistakes, remedy of which would require
many hardships and sacrifice.
(abbreviated and amended by A. Z., the entire article in the
Rusyn language shall be published in the upcoming year-book of the World
Congress of Rusyns.)