The first long awaited book of
fables by J. Kudzej has been published
publication about the history of Rusyns
Holy Father Benedict XVI was requested to
review and approve the commencement...
A new
Rusyn Greek-Catholic calendar has been issued
The first
Rusyn event in the Slavonic Department...
third book of the World Congress of Rusyns has been published
A man should
ceaselessly measure his own depth
A Rusyn journaliste and
New publications
textbooks of rusyn literature
Michal PAVUK – 80
years old

The Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center
Announces the Annual
Aleksander Dukhnovych Prize
Rusyn Literature
award of $1,000
is given each spring
an outstanding book of poetry or fiction published in
Rusyn language during the preceding five years.
The Chepa annual
Dukhnovych Prize, awarded to promote the use of the Rusyn
language in works that make a significant contribution to Rusyn
literature, is funded by Steven Chepa of Toronto, Canada, and
administered through the Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center.
Volumes of fiction and
poetry published between 2004 and 2008 are eligible for the 2009
prize. Three copies of each book should be submitted by the
author or publisher, accompanied by a brief biographical
statement about the author.
Deadline for submission is
April 1, 2009.
The judging panel for
the 2009 prize includes Professors Elaine Rusinko and Maria
Pavlovszky (USA), and Valerij Kupka (Slovakia).
Send two copies to:
Professor Elaine
Rusinko, Department of Modern Languages, UMBC, Baltimore, MD
21250, USA (e-mail:
Send one copy to:
Doc. PhDr. Valerij
Kupka, Važecká 12, 080 05 Prešov,

Carpatho-Rusyn Literature
1.3 million Carpatho-Rusyn Americans trace their ancestry to
the Carpathian Mountain region of Eastern Europe. Most of their
ancestors immigrated between 1880 and 1914 from lands that now
form part of Slovakia, Poland, and Ukraine. A stateless people
for their entire history, Carpatho-Rusyns have also been known
as Rusnaks, Carpatho-Russians, Carpatho-Ukrainians, and
Ruthenians, and those from the northern slopes of the
Carpathians are called Lemkos. Most Carpatho-Rusyns are
adherents of eastern Christianity, either Orthodoxy or Byzantine
Catholicism, and the church was traditionally the center of
Carpatho-Rusyn social and cultural life, along with fraternal
societies and brotherhoods, such as the Greek Catholic Union of
Rusyn Brotherhoods (Wilkes Barre, PA) and the United Societies
of the Greek Catholic Religion (McKeesport, PA). Today, Rusyn
cultural development is supported by secular organizations such
as the Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center (Ocala, FL), the
Carpatho-Rusyn Society (Pittsburgh, PA), and the Rusin
Association (Minneapolis, MN).
Initially, literary works by Rusyns appeared in nearly sixty
newspapers and other periodicals published for the
Rusyn-American community, the most widespread being the
Amerikansky Russky Viestnik (American Russian Messenger,
1892-1952), Prosvita (Enlightenment, 1917-2000),
Vostok (The East, 1919-50), Lemko
(1928-39), Den’ (The Day, 1922-26), and the
short-lived literary monthly Niva (The Field,
1916). Rusyn-American literature was also published in the
annual almanacs put out by the various fraternal organizations,
which, in addition to poetry and prose by Rusyn writers,
generally included a monthly calendar, popular articles on Rusyn
history and culture, and biographies of famous Rusyns. The
tradition of the almanac or kalendar has recently been
revived in the United States with the Carpatho-Rusyn Society’s
publication of the Rusyn-American Almanac 2005. However,
the original almanacs and newspapers are now difficult to obtain
and for some titles, complete sets are no longer available.
There have been few studies of Rusyn-American literature and
there is no bibliography of Rusyn-American publications.
Prof. Elaine RUSINKO, Baltimore, USA,
10. 10. 2008

The first long
awaited book of fables by J. Kudzej has been published
At the beginning of
June 2008, Rusyn and Ludove Noviny press issued its 27th
(it was the 84th publication prepared by the
editorial office of the same name) – an anthology of fables
by Jozef Kudzej entitled WISDOM OF LIFE (Мудрость жывота)
(Prešov 2008, 88 pages).
Jozef Kudzej
(born on February 24th, 1952 in Ňagov, Medzilaborce
region) is no stranger to Rusyn culture, and especially Rusyn
literature. His fables were first published in Narodny
Novŷnky Press and the Rusŷn magazine after 1989, and
they were impossible to miss, they attracted many readers.
Spiritual poetry and translations of religious texts into
standard Rusyn stands as one pole of his literary work, the
other one is represented by fables. With wit, so typical for
him, he said that the best time for him to write is Friday after
confession with a “clear mind and soul “. Through his fables, he
not only intended to interpret a primary idea, but also pass on
this “wisdom of life“ in a humorous way, so that the reader
might laugh and enjoy himself. In such situations, it is
difficult to give birth to words, it is necessary to
“contemplate“, choose, try one word against the other, in order
to achieve the perfect effect. The book of fables by J. Kudzej
is written in a simple style, understandable to all readers
regardless of age or education, which is why it will surely be
sought-after “literary nourishment“ not only for Rusyn readers.
К. К.,
July 15th, 2008
publication can be ordered or purchased from the following
address: Rusín a Ľudové noviny, Duchnovičovo nám. 1, 081 48
Prešov, Slovakia, Phone: 0905 470 884, E-mail:
rusyn@stonline.sk. The book itself costs 10 $ (7 €),
or including package and postage within Europe and world.
publication about the
history of Rusyns
This is what we could call the newest publication by PAUL ROBERT
MAGOCSI, a Professor at Toronto University, a member of the
Royal Canadian Academy of Science, entitled “НАРОД НИВЫДКЫ –
ілустрована історія карпаторусинôв“ (THE PEOPLE FROM NOWHERE–
Illustrated History of Carpathian Rusyns). It was issued
recently by the V. Paďak Publishing House (Uzhhorod, 2007). The
book is written on 120 pages and in a concise way
(which is not easy, as, like the author said, it is a lot easier
to write lengthily) presents the history of Rusyns from our
ancestors in the oldest times until the present day. It is
written in a reader-friendly style and can serve children in
schools as well as the youth and adults. This precious and
interesting book will be presented to all children learning the
Rusyn language and culture at schools, but it can also serve as
a nice gift for every Rusyn.
First, the book was published in English (one part in Uzhhorod
(2006) and the other in Toronto (2006), and later translated
from English into Ukrainian by Serhij Bilecky and Nadija
Kuško (published in Uzhhorod 2006). Consequently, Valerij
Paďak, CSc. translated it into Rusyn and he also prepared
commentaries to pictures, since about half of the book’s content
consists of high-quality illustrations, which the aforementioned
translator and publisher chose from the rich archive of Paul
Robert Magocsi and the Research Centre of Carpathian Studies at
the V. Paďak Publishing House. Larysa Iľčenko was the
editor in charge and the author of the graphical layout of the
work. This has been the 155th book published
by the V. Paďak Publishing House in Uzhhorod and it has all the
characteristics necessary to become a manual for all conscious
Rusyns. This book will, however, be published in other
languages, too, so that as many Rusyns and members of other
nations as possible could learn about the history of Rusyns.
Versions in Slovak, Romanian, Polish, language of Rusyn Duchy in
Serbia, Serbian, Croatian, Czech and Hungarian are being
prepared (basically in the languages of all those countries
where the most Rusyns live and where membership organisations of
the World Congress of Rusyns have their headquarters). The
Romanian version (all being well) is supposed to be issued
before the 9th World Congress of Rusyns in the
Romanian town of Sighetul Marmaţiei, taking place on June 21st
– 24th, 2007. It would be a good promotion of not
only the Congress, but Rusyns in Romania in general.
It is thanks to Steven Chepa, a Rusyn philanthropist,
sponsor, President of Norstone Financial Corporation in Toronto,
Canada, that this book has already been published in three and
will be issued in several further languages. Big thanks
to him for his beneficial deed. Thanks to him, all school
children who learn Rusyn, be it in Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland,
Hungary or Serbia, will get a free copy of the book.
Everybody else can buy or order the book on the following
addresses: Akadémia rusínskej kultúry v Slovenskej republike
or: Svetový kongres Rusínov (for those who prefer to
send a cheque), Duchnovičovo nám. 1, 081 48 Prešov, Slovenská
republika. The book can also be ordered by phone from the
following number: 0905 470 884 or the following e-mail
rusyn@stonline.sk. The book is hardback and full-colour,
and, yet, it can be purchased for only 200 Sk plus 50 Sk
p&p (within Slovakia), $8 plus $8 p&p (for
neighbouring countries), $8 plus $13 (for other
European countries) or $8 plus $16 p&p (for countries
outside Europe). The reason why the book is so cheap is that
we want it to be affordable for everybody! We hope for high
public interest. Those who want to buy the book in person from
the aforementioned address can do so on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 8 to 10.30 am.
A. Z.,
April 16th, 2007
Holy Father Benedict XVI was requested to review and approve the
commencement of the cause toward the saintly status of our Rusyn
Greek-Catholic priest, Father Andrew Timkovic (1919-1987) from
Kosice, Slovakia
In the March 2007
Rev. Gorazd A. Timkovic, OSBM, published book:
Timkovic Andrew
(1919-1987) - the story about normal married priest - (Timkovič
Andrej (1919-1987) - príbeh zvyčajneho ženatého farára), Presov,
2007, 464 pp. This story of an obedient and faithful, loving
priest is written in Slovak language.
19th of the March 2007 Revs.
Timkovic asked Holy Father Benedict XVI, and local
Greek-Catholic bishop Milan Chautur, CSsR - CLICK HERE, to begin
process of the "cause" of Rev. Andrew Timkovic (1919-1987), who
was heartily persecuted by the Nazis, atheist Communists and
Roman-Catholics (see published preface below). Timkovics believe
that their paternal father's love and holiness, exemplified by
the saintly life of Rev. Andrew Timkovic (martyrized by Roman
Catholics), will help not only to get Orthodox and Roman
Catholic Churches recognizing their common struggles, but also
to fulfill a significant priority of the Pontificate of His
Holiness Benedict XVI in seeking UNITY BETWEEN ORTHODOX AND
ROMAN CATHOLICS as the best solution in following Christ's
Instructions to today's Apostolic Churches.
Preface from the book:
Every era has her faithful martyrs
whose lives bring witness and help on our journey of faith,
especially in this time period. Greek-Catholic priest Father
Andrew Fedorovic Timkovic (1919-1987) is one of those
outstanding obediently faithful; he is a simple but clever man
whose life story bears evidence of power he drew from his
Catholic faith even in the hard days of his life. As a Ruthenian
Greek-Catholic priest he lived his life serving God although, at
times, executing his pastoral service under public pressure.
Father Andrew raised 4 children and
all completed University studies (one doctorate of human
medicine, two doctorates of vet medicine and one electrical
engineer). Three of the four Timkovic children have graduated
from Theological Colleges (later after their father Andrew death).
Therefore, we can say the eldest of children graduated at one
College and other three at two Colleges!
Andrew was accused by the fascists
because he sympathized with the Communists; later he was
persecuted by the Communists for he was always faithful to the
Roman Catholic Church (Union), also named the Latin Church.
Finally, he was persecuted by the Latins because he defended
Greek-Catholic rite (Greek-Catholic particular Ruthenian sui
iuris Church) against Latinization.
- In the Nazi era Andrew Timkovic
was victimized and imprisoned by the Gestapo and Horthy police
for his sympathy with the Communist intended ideology, which was
highly socially attractive at its begining.
- After the elimination of the
Greek-Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia in 1950 he was
persecuted and victimized by the Communist Regime for his
allegiance with the Pope and because he did not agree to
communist constrained Orthodoxy.
- After 1968, when the
self-governing particular Greek-Catholic Church in
Czechoslovakia was restored with limitations, Father Andrew
Timkovic was intrigue-persecuted by the local Roman-Catholic
hierarchy as he remained strongly faithful to his Greek-Catholic
Church; Father Andrew strongly protested the illegal transfer of
worshippers and property into the Latin church.
Father Andrew Timkovic's unwearying
energy was consistent and steady in his endless fight for
justice and surviving of his own family; he died and went to the
Lord in 1987 without experiencing the new era in Czechoslovakia
(1989). Father Andrew lived his life in the middle of the
world's wrongs but he wasn't mastered by evil nor would the
world deprive him of his faithful independence and inner freedom
for the Lord. He tried to overcome all the dimensions of life
with a spirit of justice, truth, love and devotion to God. In
the Holy Bible we find words which fully reflect the life
difficulties of Father Andrew Timkovic:
- "But even if you should suffer for
what is right, you are blessed" (1Pt 3,14).
- "Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Mt 5,6).
- "Blessed are those who are
persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven" (Mt 5,10).
The biography of the Greek-Catholic
priest Father Andrew Timkovic illustrates the fate of the entire
Ruthenian-Rusyn nation especially in the Southern Carpathian
Mountains in the 20th century. The Carpatho-Rus nation was
- persecuted and oppressed during
the Nazi era (annexation of Subcarpathian Rus by Horthy Hungary),
- persecuted during Communist reign
(denial of the proper description RUTHENIAN-RUSYN and forced
usage of the insensitive title UKRAINIAN; the 1950 elimination
of Ruthenian Presov Greek-Catholic eparchy and in 1968 replaced
it with the Slovak Presov Greek-Catholic eparchy).
- violently assimilated and
latinized when Rusyn-Ruthenian Greek-Catholics were forced by
local church hierarchy (assigned by Vatican Slovak chauvinists)
to switch to improperly named Slovak Greek-Catholics and
subsequently to Slovak Roman-Catholics.
If the life
story and destiny of the faithful and heroic figure of this book
appears to have novel characteristics it is not due to the
writer's credit. Nothing in this book has been fabricated. This
book is a work confirmed by many here publicized documents,
which are the facts, hence its historic elements have been
experienced by Father Andrew Timkovic's truly obedient and
faithful life...
new Rusyn Greek-Catholic calendar has been issued
Just recently we have come across another Rusyn Greek-Catholic
calendar, this time for 2007, although it was issued towards the
end of 2006. Apart from traditional religious notations after
the Julian and Gregorian calendars, it includes many interesting
articles, especially about our significant clerical guides from
the past – Father Emil Kubek and Father Joaniki
Bazilovych, OSBM. Looking in more recent history, we can
find an article about St Ján Zlatousty (344 – 407), the
1600th anniversary of whose death is commemorated in
This is the third Greek-Catholic calendar that has been issued
in Rusyn, written mainly in Roman script, to a lesser extent in
Cyrillic. On the cover, there is an icon of St Cyril – a teacher
of Slavs. The calendar was issued by the Association of St
John the Baptist under the leadership of the editorial team:
Father ThLic. František Krajňák, Jozef Kudzej, Father Mgr.
Jaroslav Popovec and Mgr. Marek Gaj. The calendar
will surely please all Rusyn Greek-Catholic believers, but not
only them. The address of the editorial office: Gr. kat.
farský úrad, 065 32 Kamienka 140, Slovensko, tel.: 052 / 43
21 557.
az - |
Another publication dedicated to the history of Carpathian
Rusyns, was issued towards the end of 2007 in Uzzhorod
under the attractive title: Народ нивыдкы: ілустрована
історія карпаторусинôв
(The People from Nowhere:
An Illustrated History of Carpatho-Rusyns). Its author,
Professor at Toronto University and a member of the Canadian
Royal Academy of Science Paul Robert Magocsi, has been
doing research in the area of Rusyn matters for many years
and achieved more than one deserved success. He is an
experienced researcher whose work has always been typified by
logical argumentation, transparency and credibility, and, at the
same time, it has almost always brought some innovation.
This publication is no exception. P. R. Magocsi, (this time also
with very competent colleagues), prepared a brief overview of
the history of Rusyns from the oldest times until the present
period in an especially successful form. The publishing
company of V. Paďak in Uzhhorod has clearly done a great job
and those who are interested can get a book really worth buying.
The monograph Народ нивыдкы evidently
bears all the signs of a popular academic publication, which is
proven not only by its slender size, reader-friendly style,
transparent structure and minimised notations, but also a large
share of illustrations in its content. At the same time, it is a
highly professional and erudite work, written with a great deal
of knowledge of the matter, which, in many ways, fulfils even
stricter, academic criteria. The first guarantee of
professionalism is the author’s name itself. He has never
descended to cheap propaganda, he has always written and acted
correctly and lead only serious discussions with critics.
The author guaranteed objectivity of the
presented work especially by always using the outcomes of his
own research, which he contrasted with the majority academic
opinion. This is how he saved the work from unsupported claims,
which can often be found especially in interpretation of the
oldest history, beginning with various autochtone theories and
ideas about Rusyns as direct inheritors of the original Slavonic
or Eastern-Slavonic ethnic group, about their Celtic ethnic
origin and so on. To his credit, in the respective passages, he
does not present various commonly-spread myths and legends,
which many authors use as historic facts.
Naturally, the author could not ignore thoughts about a possible
Christianisation of Rusyns by Constantine and Method before
their important Great-Moravian mission, a mention of Anonymous’s
Chronicle about the sad fate of Prince Laborec or records about
the Russian mark, which is sometimes interpreted as a specific,
autonomous, administrative unit of Rusyn inhabitants in the
Hungarian Empire. In favour of forming national identity of
Rusyns, documents about the worthy activities of Fedor
Korjatovych were naturally used. This is also true about
documents characterising participation of Rusyns in the
anti-Habsburg peasants’ revolt.
Such an approach would be neither academic nor correct. That is
why P. Magocsi in the text and V. Paďak in the
comments to the illustrations include adequate time and content
information connected to the respective sequences. For this
purpose, they used primary historic sources, and, in each case
they bring the reader’s
attention to
possible doubts about the credibility of some data and to
consequent hyperbole.
Although the publication is not large in its content (120 pages
including numerous illustrations), this does not decrease its
message. This was achieved by the systematic character of the
book, even at the cost of dedicating various levels of detail to
individual historic periods, events or processes. Some historic
facts were only touched upon, some were elaborated upon in
encyclopaedic style. In spite of this, the description of the
events does not appear dry, as it is often the case with such
Undoubtedly, historic development of Carpathian Rusyns is a very
complicated process, especially its ethnogenesis. That is why it
is far from easy to explain, but this is a handicap of those
ethnic groups, which, for various reasons, have not achieved
their own independence. On the other hand, the text of the
publication sounds entirely clear and natural, which is also
helped by its transparent structure. Dividing the slender
academic book into as many as nine chapters is, however,
approaching the line of unacceptability.
It is not a secret, nor a mistake, that the publication of
the book has a certain nation building dimension, that it is
trying to increase and strengthen national awareness of the
Rusyn ethnic group. In the end, if an author who is the
Chairman of the World Council of Rusyns omitted this aspect, it
would be rather strange. It is noteworthy, though, that, in the
book, there is no sign of nationalism or xenophobia, which is
quite common in similar publications and which often, uselessly,
initiates venomous controversies. Only in vain would we look for
invectives against pro-Ukrainian ethnic groups, against the
Ukrainian nation or state; of course, not taking into account
critical remarks on the non-acknowledgement of the Rusyn
minority in Ukraine.
A significant advantage of the presented work is an impartial
commentary on the important role of religion and churches in the
history of the Rusyn ethnic group. The influence of religion and
church institutions is evaluated in a very realistic manner. The
author finds the influence indisputable, but does not overrate
it, which is quite rare among present Rusyn authors. The fact
that P. Magocsi does not favour the Greek-Catholic Church must
also be appreciated. Similar attention has been paid to the
functioning of the Orthodox Church and its clergy. Thus, it is
not only representatives of the Union (A. Bačinskij, J.
Bazilovič, M. Lučkaj, A, Duchnovič, V. Hadžega, P. P. Gojdič, T.
Romža) who are presented as positive historic figures, but
also representatives of the Orthodox Church (J. Zejkan, A.
Tóth, M. Sandovič).
The publication Народ нивыдкы
has not only
interesting content but also attractive form, which is why it
must satisfy every reader and evoke the keen interest of the
public. This is thanks to the form of material elaboration and
the style of its presentation as well as its aesthetic
qualities, especially brilliant illustrations of various kinds,
which are adequately and sensibly arranged within the content
and chronological sequence. Commentaries to illustrations by
V. Paďak, subtly complete and specify the main text and are
an organic part of the monograph. The rich illustration material
pictures natural surroundings, historic figures, folklore,
architecture, maps, documents as well as publications connected
to the history of the Carpathian Rusyns. The variety of this
material does not allow an impression of congestion
and stuffiness, which is quite common if the artistic aspect is
Naturally, there is no human product in the world that would
have no mistakes or defects. The presented illustrated
publication about the history of the Carpathian Rusyns has also
its weaknesses. Certain simplifications in the description of
the historic process in the Carpathian area is one of them. This
is a consequence of a discrepancy between the size of the book
and its content and time boundaries. An inexperienced reader
could get the impression that the development of the Rusyn
ethnic group happened in certain leaps and, without significant
problems, directly headed toward the present time. That is why
continuity of the historic development should have been
expressed more pithily.
Statistics is a common weakness in similar publications,
especially when referring to such a large time and space frame
as in this case. Numbers give the impression of exactness and
argumentative power if they are accurate, refer to a concrete
phenomenon and can be verified at present. If this is not the
case, and this concerns almost all historical statistics, they
are only of a superficial importance. They are useful in
creating or specifying reader’s
but they
cannot be used to draw historic and, even less, politic
conclusions. If data were calculated in different ways and
times, they cannot be compared at all.
A certain unbalance can be observed when comparing the amount of
space and information devoted to the history of Rusyns living in
particular regions. Naturally, in history as well as present
conditions, a majority of the Rusyn ethnic group has lived in
the present-day Zakarpat’ska
region of Ukraine and in north-eastern
Slovakia. This does not mean, though, that the history of Lemkos
can be reduced to the issue of the Florin Republic or the event
of “Wisla“. Rather little attention was paid to the Rusyn
commonalty in America, which has significantly influenced
solving the issue of Carpathian Rusyns since the beginning of
the 20th century. The Rusyn localities in present-day
Hungary and Romania are, in the publication, mentioned only
From our point of view, the most controversial issue in the
whole monograph is using the term Carpathian Rus’
to refer to residential region of Rusyns in Ukraine and
Slovakia, as well as Lemkos in south-eastern Poland. We are
convinced that it is at the best inappropriate to give a
distinctive name to a territory located according to
ethnographic borders, if a certain political aspect is
concerned. It is unacceptable also in such a case if the ethnic
borders were determined in the most impartial way possible. We
do not think, though, that this is the case of the Rusyns in the
central Europe. Apart from this, with regard to the historically
well-known (and in the past also partly officially used) terms
such as Sub-Carpathian Rus’,
Carpathian Ukraine, PriKarpatska Rus’,
which actually referred to various administrative and
geographical units, rehabilitation of the term Carpathian
Rus’ would deepen non-transparency or even confusion in
Not considering the outlined facts, in general it can be claimed
that the attractive publication The People from Nowhere
represents another important step in getting to know the
history of the Rusyn ethnic group in the Carpathian area, and
especially its popularisation. That is why sincere thanks need
to be expressed to the author of the work, his close colleagues,
the publisher, as well as sponsors. The work, thanks to a
respectable content and excellently managed form, can fulfil
several functions and, at the same time, serve as a
complementary educational text, a handbook for teachers and
students, a representative gift, but especially as a good piece
on the bookshelf of every Rusyn patriot.
PhDr. Stanislav KONEČNÝ, CSc.,
Institute of Humanities, Slovak Academy of Science, Košice,
March 12th, 2007
The first Rusyn event in the Slavonic Department...
The cover of the newest book of Prof. Paul Robert
Magocsi – Narod nîvydky (THE
has already been issued in three editions – Rusyn,
English and Ukrainian. In 2007, Slovak, Romanian and
Polish editions will be published.
... On February 16th, 2007, a significant event took
place in the State Academic Library (SAL) in Prešov – a
presentation of the two newest books connected to the name of
Paul Robert Magocsi, a professor at the Toronto University and a
member of the Canadian Royal Academy of Science – NAROD NîVYDKY
The first one was written by Professor Magocsi and it
was presented in three versions – Rusyn, English and Ukrainian.
The second one is an annual of academic articles in the area of
Rusyn studies, which was compiled by three Professors from the
USA: Bogdan Horbal, Patricia A. Krafcik and Elaine Rusinko. In
the annual, 23 authors from various countries contributed in
five different languages. In Slovak Rusyn, the article
Rusînskyj jazyk u svitľi peršych zmin pravyl pravopysu (The
Rusyn Language Illuminated by the First Orthographic Changes)
by Assistant Professor Vasiľ Jabur and Doctor Anna Pliškova,
PhD., employees at the Department of Rusyn Language and Culture,
Institute of Regional and Ethnic Minority Studies, University of
Prešov. Apart from them, the following academics from Slovakia
presented their articles in the above publication: Professor
Juraj Vaňko, CSc. (translator’s note: CSc. – socialist era
qualification equivalent to PhD.), Professor Peter Švorc, CSc.,
Doctor Marián Gajdoš, CSc., and Doctor Stanislav Konečný, CSc.
The following authors from Slovakia were also present at the
gala presentation of the book Carpatho-Rusyns and their
Neighbors: A. Plišková, S. Konečný and P. Švorc. The annual
was kept a secret from P. R. Magocsi, as it was supposed to be a
surprise gift dedicated to him as one of the most significant
historians in the world for his 60th birthday in
2006, which was successfully managed.
At the beginning of the book presentation in the Slavonic
Department of the State Academic Library (SAL), a performance of
members of “Šariš“ folk group (based at the M. Moyzes Music
School in Prešov and lead by J. Piroh, a teacher and the group
leader) created a festive atmosphere and pleased all those in
The guests of honour at the presentation:
(from left to right) Professor Š. Šutaj, DrSc., Professor P.
Švorc, CSc. (who gave an academic talk about the annual
Carpatho-Rusyns and their Neighbors), Professor P. R. Magocsi,
PhD. and Doctor S. Konečný, CSc. (who gave an academic talk
about the book Narod nîvydky). The guests were welcomed by Mgr.
V. Zavadská, the Head of SAL in Prešov, who, on behalf of the
Slavonic Department of SAL, was presented with the newest
valuable publications by P. R. Magocsi. In the background, Mgr.
Alexander Zozuľák, the event organiser and presenter can be
The presentation of both books was of high quality and enriched
the cultural-nationality life of not only Rusyns in Prešov, but
also broader communities of readers of other nationalities. It
was prepared by the Slovak Association of Rusyn Organisations in
cooperation with the State Academic Library in Prešov.
A. Z., photos by P. Krajňák, February 17th,
third book of the World Congress of Rusyns has been published
The book by
Mikuláš Hvozda is entitled Confession of a Rusyn (2006)
and it follows after the previously published books of a new
editorial subject, a civic union – the World Congress of Rusyns. The
previously released books were “Misery has uprooted Rusyns” by Mikuláš
Kseňák (2002) and “Significant for Rusyns” (2005) compiled by Gabriel
Beskyd and Alexander Zozuľák. The latest book of WCR is an anthology
from the latest poetic work of poet M. Hvozda, where, most importantly,
he presents his patriotic poetry, such as Fatherland, The
voice of Rusyn, Let´s be proud of them, The Genuine Rusyn,
and so on. The publication was edited and revised by PhDr. Mária
Maľcovská and PhDr. Anna Plišková. The language used in the book is
Rusyn, it was funded by the Slovak Ministry of Culture, it consists of
64 pages and it can be purchased for 100 Slovak crowns at the following
address: Svetový kongres Rusínov, Duchnovičovo nám. 1, 081 48 Prešov.
A. Z.

A man should
ceaselessly measure his own depth
part of an article with the same title, which can in its full Rusyn
version be found on our website.)
We could
say that contemporary Rusyn literature, considering the opportunities of
its development during the previous decades, probably expects its
potential to be realised. In spite of that, also today, there are
several mature authors, who are with their creative work building a
road, on which, in the future, Rusyn talents could and should walk.
Surely, one of the most significant “architects“ of the new Rusyn
literature in Slovakia, expanding over the ethnic borders, is Štefan
SUCHÝ, who, still with a great creative vigour, celebrated his 60th
birthday on May 24th, 2006. He is a
prolific writer, who, in the Rusyn literary process, as he himself says,
has not uttered the last word and we can already today say that his
literary work covers a broad spectrum, as it comes in many literary
forms and genres. He began with poetry (the collections „Hir´ska
vîšňa“ (A Mountain Black Cherry), 1982 and „Soňačna kompozîcia“
(Sunny Composition), 1987 were published in Ukrainian, the next ones
in Rusyn – „Rusîňskyj spivnîk“ (Rusyn Songbook), 1994, „Endi
sidať na mašynu vičnostî“ (Endi Is Sitting on the Train of Eternity),
1995, „Aspirin“, 2006), but he also tried his creative power
in the field of humorous prose („Jak Rusnaky relaksujuť“ (How the
Rusnaks Relax), 1997), he made the genre of radio plays home in the
Rusyn literature („Dobra voda“ (Good Water), „Skleroza“ (Sclerosis),
„Ruleta“ (Roulette), Chľib dušy otc´a Aleksandra“ (The Bread of Father
Alexander’s Soul), „Vladyka abo dobryj učenîk Christa“ (Primate or a
Good Disciple of Christ)), he is a playwright („Vybrany uryvky
iz Staroj i Novoj Zapovidî“ (Selected Passages from the Old and New
Testament)), but also writes poetry for children („Azbukarňa“, (Alphabetarium)
2004). With his creative work, the writer raised the Rusyn
literature from simple-national folklore writing, and, at the same time,
considerably contributed to the development of the Rusyn literary
language. In 2000, he was awarded the title Laureate of Alexander
Dukhnovich Award for Rusyn Literature for his literary work.
On the
occasion of his jubilee, Štefan Suchý also said:
Rusyn language, no matter how lamentable it would be, has become my
certainty, as I know that when I address my fellow-countrymen, they will
understand. It is a certainty of communicative perception. It is also
true that the Rusyn oral and orthographic norm is inconsistent, which,
though, should not happen in mass media... We cannot handle the word of
the nation as sour wine and unintentional betrayal hurts twice as much.
And I am not just sorry for what I am saying here, it is also hurting.
On the other hand, I am pleased with the success, someone else’s and
also my own, because all are ours... Literature is revived by young
authors. Literature is a hard job, when you belittle it and put
everything somehow in a single jar, you are becoming a millionaire of
lines of paper covered with writing, but not a millionaire of golden
words. Time will gradually file you among those forgotten and surely, it
is not what a creator of beauty would long for. I always remember this
motto, when I am about to put together a lump of beauty. In the Rusyn
literary field, is at least as much work as in an unploughed one.
Significant poems are missing, as well as historical novels, prose about
important contemporary and recent events in our lives, such as prose
about Beatified Bishop Gojdič, collectivisation, war; thus, there is not
enough time for dealing with such empty topics a la Hey, Beskid, love,
oh, love or other pettiness, of which no one, apart from the author
himself, is proud. And how about children’s literature and dramatic art?
And we still obstinately write fables ad nauseum. Literature requests
courageous work and respectably erudite creators. When we address and
raise the nation with high-quality literary works, we can say we are
masters... A man should
measure his own depth ...“
PLIŠKOVÁ, photo:
A. Z.,
June 26th,

man deserves for his life to be somehow immortalised
A Rusyn journaliste and
(A part of
an article with the same title, which can in its full Rusyn version be
found on our website.)
“We –
journalists and writers are all our lives full of euphoria, which does
not fade regardless of the fact whether the time for literature is
convenient or not...
writer’s journey
A lot of
writers deal with great events or personalities. I set on a pedestal
ordinary people with their ordinary everyday lives... By now, six of my
books have been published and an audio tape with dramatised texts of my
fairytales entitled “Fairytale Meadow “. The time, when my books were
being born, was hectic. Of course, the first two books were published in
Ukrainian, but after Rusyn had been codified, the gap in the Rusyn
literature created after 40 years of Ukrainisation needed filling. That
was why the diversity of literary genres. The first book in Rusyn was a
collection of short stories „Manna i oskomîna“, which is, in
fact, my confession, was published just before the very act of Rusyn
language codification in Slovakia on January 27th, 1995.
Afterwards, „Prîpovidkova lučka“ (Fairytale Meadow) followed,
which consisted of fairytales for children. It is based on my mother’s
narration, the heroes of the fairytales are mythological characters from
our calendary-ceremonial and folk literature. The next book brought
another genre – biographic prose, today I would call it fiction of fact,
as biographic facts intertwine with genres of belles letters... The
book’s title is „Pid rusîňskym nebom“ (Under the Rusyn Sky),
which is a small saga of a Rusyn family, the unifying element of which
is my mother – Mária Piptová from Ruska Volova. For this book, I was
granted the Alexander Dukhnovich Award for Rusyn Literature...
Then came a volume of short stories entitled „Rusîňsky arabesky“ (Rusyn
Arabesques). Now, I am about to finish another book. It talks about
an inner fight of a person who has been through a lot. She lived through
the old world, the new world came, from which she expected something
positive, she thought her life would move forward, but found out that it
was not the case. She comes to the crossroad and does not now what to
do. The book is about people who have lost their dignity, feeling and
love and stopped appreciating positive values of life. And we, together
with the reader, may look for these values between the lines, because I
cannot exist without them. I am glad that my books are flying off the
shelf, that people read them; that is my satisfaction...“
this most significant jubilee, her 55th birthday, which our
colleague, editor and writer Mária MAĽCOVSKÁ celebrated on May 5th,
2006, we wish good health, a lot of enthusiasm and creative euphoria.
Kvetoslava KOPOROVÁ, photo:
A. Z.,
May 17th,

In December 2005, an anniversary volume of the International Academic
Seminar papers was issued. The seminar took place on October 1, 2005 at
the Russian House in Presov on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of
the start of education in the Greek-Catholic Russian (Rusyn) Teacher´s
Seminary and the 80th anniversary of the purchase of the Russian House
building in Presov. The book was published by the World Congress of
Rusyns as its 2nd original publication with the financial help of
the Slovak Ministry of Culture and the Presov Self-Government District.
Mgr. Gabriel Beskyd and Mgr. Aleksander Zozulyak compiled
the volume. It can be purchased from the editorial office of the Rusyn
and Lyudove Noviny Press for 100 Sk or cash on delivery for 120 Sk.
November 2005, a new patriotic poetry collection by
Stefan Smoley from Medzilaborce named Ne haňb sja,
Rusîne! (Be not embarrased, Rusyn!) was issued. It was
published by the Rusyn and Lyudove Noviny Press as
its 12th original publication (or 69th publication with the
same title). The collection has two parts: Rusîňsky molîtvy
a Vďaka materî (Rusyn Prayers and Thanks to Mother). The
book can be purchased from the editorial office of the Rusyn
and Lyudove Noviny Press, Duchnovicovo nam. 1, 081 48 Presov
for 100 Sk or cash on delivery for 120 Sk. The publication
expenses were partly covered by the Slovak Ministry of
Culture. |

New textbooks of rusyn
In August, 2005, a texbook
entitled “Literary Eduation for the 9th grade of Rusyn language
Middle Schools“ and written by Jan Hrib, an experienced retired
pedagogue of Repejov, was published. The textbook deals with the Rusyn
literature of the period from the beginning of the 20th century until
the present day. It gives information about the lives and work of most
Rusyn poets and prose writers with samples of their work. It is
interesting not only to school children but also anyone with an interest
in Rusyn literature. The textbook is 128 pages long.
The textbook of
Rusyn Literature for the 4th grade of Rusyn Language Middle Schools
has a similar content. It informs about the development of the Rusyn
language from the beginning of the 20th century until the present day
and contains samples of less well-known Rusyn writers´ work. Moreover,
the author of the textbook Mgr. Stefan Sukhy managed to incorporate
a text about three literary critics. This textbook is also aimed at the
general public as well as students. It is 128 pages long. |
textbooks can be purchased for a convenient price of Sk 300 at the
editorial office of the Rusyn and Lyudove Noviny Press in
Dukhnovicovo nám. 1, 081 48 Presov, e-mail:
rusyn@stonline.sk (stock
permitting). |

a Rusyn folk poet and contributor to the Rusyn, Narodny novynky Press
and Rusyn folk calendar, was born on September 20th, 1925
in Korolev upon Tisa (the Svalyava region, Sub-Carpathia in
Ukraine). He has retired and lives in Bratislava. His poems were
published in two collections of Rusyn poetry entlitled “Муза спід
Карпат” (Pliskova, A., ed: The Muse of Sub-Carpathia; Presov, 1996)
and “Тернёва ружа” (Pliskova, A., ed.: A Thorn Rose; Presov,
2002). He wrote a great number of poems as well as an extensive
historical novel in verse entitled “Rusyniana” (which has not
been published yet). We wish Mr. Pavuk good health, a lot of strength
and unceasing inventive inspiration.
A. Z.,
(An article
in Rusyn entitled “Πише в народно-поетічнім штілї” (He
Writes in a National-Poetic Style) about Mr. Pavuk can be found
on our website in the column Press: “Народны новинкы” No. 35 – 41/2005,
p. 4. The collection
“Тернёва ружа”
with his poetry is available for Sk 120 at the editors'
of the Rusyn and Narodny Novynky press, Duchovicovo nám. 1, 081 48,
Contemporary or retrospective collections of literary works. A
contemporary anthology usually contains recently created works that are
not published by authors in their own individual volumes. Retrospective
anthologies are usually a representative sample of literary works
covering a particular period, genre, or region, and including a
scholarly analysis by the compiler, who is often not a belletrist but a
literary critic or cultural historian.
The first contemporary anthologies of Rusyn literature were compiled by
the leading nineteenth-century national awakener, Aleksander *Dukhnovych,
entitled Pozdravlenie Rusynov. Three volumes appeared for the years
1850, 1851, and 1852, and included poetry and prose by Dukhnovych,
Aleksander *Pavlovych, and other writers associated with the *Prešov
Literary Society. After World War I several anthologies of contemporary
literature by Rusyn authors of various national orientations made their
appearance. The works of Ukrainian-oriented writers from Subcarpathian
Rus’ appeared in three anthologies, one published by the *Prosvita
Society, Trembîta (1924), the others compiled by Oleksandr *Badan, Hruny
stepam (1930) and by Andrii *Voron and M. Khrapko, Al’manakh
pidkarpats’kykh ukraïns’kykh pys’mennykiv (1936). Works by
Russian-oriented writers appeared in two volumes prepared by the *Renaissance
Carpatho-Russian Student Society in Prague, Al’manakh Vozrozhdentsev
(1933, 1936). Contemporary Vojvodinian Rusyns were represented in an
anthology published by the *Prosvita Rusyn National Educational Society,
Rusko-ukraïnski almanakh: bachvansko-srimskikh pisatel’okh (1936).
During World War II, Russian-language writers in Hungarian-ruled
Subcarpathian Rus’ published seven anthologies: 12—sbornik molodykh
ugrorusskikh poetov (1940), Zhivaia struia (1940), Budet den’ (1941),
Shagi (1941), Nakanunie (1941), Pered Skhodom (1943), and Literaturnyi
al’manakh (1943).
The first retrospective anthology was the Khristomatiia
tserkovno-slavianskikh i ugro-russkikh literaturnykh pamiatnikov (1893),
compiled by Ievhenii *Sabov and including works from the
fifteenth-century Mukachevo psalter to secular writers of the late
nineteenth century. Basically the same period was covered in an
anthology compiled by Mykola Lelekach and M. Gryga (Vŷbor yz staroho
rus’koho pys’menstva Podkarpatia, 1944). A more recent attempt to
include poetry and prose from the sixteenth to mid-twentieth century
appeared in Na Verkhovyni (1984), compiled by Oleksa *Myshanych.
Anthologies that focus on specific periods include those compiled by
Aleksander *Bonkalo (pseudonym O. Rakhivskii, Chytanka dlia doroslykh,
1919) and Iuliian Iavorskii (Novyia rukopisnyia nakhodki v oblasti
starinnoi karpatorusskoi pis’mennosti XVI-XVII vekov, 1931; Materialy
dlia istorii starinnoi pesennoi literatury v Podkarpatskoi Rusi, 1934)
covering the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, and by Olena *Rudlovchak
(Khrestomatiia zakarpats’koï ukraïns’koï literatury, 2 vols., 1985-90)
covering the nineteenth century. Poetry has received special attention
in anthologies compiled by Vasyl’ *Mykytas’ and Olena Rudlovchak (Poety
Zakarpattia, 1965), covering the period from the sixteenth to
mid-twentieth centuries, and in three works that emphasize the Rusyn
linguistic orientation: Rusinski/ruski pisni (1997) by Nataliia *Dudash,
with poetry from all lands in Europe and North America where Rusyns live;
Mamko, kup mi knyzhku (1995) by Petro *Trokhanovskii, with children’s
poetry primarily by authors from the Lemko Region, the Prešov Region,
and the Vojvodina, and Muza spid Karpat (1996) by Anna *Plishkova, with
poetry from Prešov Region writers. Poetry, drama, and prose works by
Lemko-Rusyn writers living in Europe and the United States appeared in
an anthology compiled by Dymytrii Vyslotskii (Nasha knyzhka, 1945).
Vojvodinian Rusyn writers from the twentieth century are represented in
anthologies of short stories, Odhuk z rovnïni (1961), two of poetry
(1963, 1984), and two for children: prose (Krizhni drahi, 1990) and
poetry (Khmara na verkhu topolï, 1990).
There are also a few anthologies of Rusyn literature translated into
other languages. Antonín *Hartl translated prose and poetry by authors
from Subcarpathian Rus’ and the Prešov Region into Czech (Pozdravení
Rusínů, 1936); Ivan *Haraida translated short stories by Subcarpathian
writers into Hungarian (Ruszin elbeszélők, 1943); Serhii Pan’ko
translated Vojvodinian Rusyn prose (Tam, kolo Dunaiu, 1976) and Petro
Skunts’ translated Vojvodinian Rusyn poetry (My tut ne hosti, 1997) into
Bibliography: Ia. Shternberh and Olena Rudlovchak, “Al’manakh
‘Pozdravlenie Rusynov na hod 1852 i tsars’ka tsenzura,” Naukovyi zbirnyk
Muzeiu ukraïns’koï kul’tury u Svydnyku, VIII (Svidník, Bratislava, and
Prešov, 1976), pp. 97-104; Olena Rudlovchak, “Kalendari Oleksandra
Dukhnovycha,” in Oleksandr Dukhnovych, Tvory, Vol. III (Bratislava and
Prešov, 1989), pp. 11-57; Stefan Popovych, Do 60-lïtiia od dnia smerty
Evmeniia Sabova—yzvistnoho obshchestvenoho dïiatylia nashoho kraia ta
100-lïtiia ëho Khrestomatiï (Mukachevo, 1994).
Paul Robert MAGOCSI
