A spectacular meeting of the Rusyn youth The Chairman of WCoR met the leading representatives of ARYS and WFRY “Our own identity means a lot for us”,... Association of the Rusyn Youth in Slovakia 2nd World Forum with first outcomes... Declaration from 2nd World Forum of Rusyn Youth (SFRM)
Association of the Rusyn Youth in Slovakia
One of the basic points of the 6th World Congress of Rusyns in 2001 was to open the space for activities, initiatives and organising of the youths of various countries of the world to the full. Thanks to the activists of the Rusyn youth and the help of the editorial team members of the „Русин і Народны новинкы“ (Rusyn and National News), this goal was achieved in Slovakia within a few months of the 6th World Congress of Rusyns in Prague.
December 6th, 2001 was the historic day of the establishment of the first Rusyn youth organisation, which got to be called the Association of the Rusyn Youth in Slovakia (ARYS). The association declared the spheres of its activities at the first – constitutive – meeting that took place on December 20th, 2001 in the Kostitras club in Prešov. The representatives of significant Rusyn organisations and Greek-Catholic and Orthodox churches in Slovakia attended the event.
ARYS unified the Rusyn youth and its symphatisers. The mission of the new organisation is to carry out its activities in favour of the unification of the Rusyn youth in Slovakia, to create conditions for its positive realisation within youth activities as well as the national life of Rusyns in general. Besides, the ARYS activities are aimed at presenting the history, culture, folklore, traditions and the temporary situation of Rusyns. ARYS also searches for active young people to whom the fate of our nation is of utmost concern. Another postulate of ARYS is finding young talent and help in the self-realisation of the Rusyn youth. We should not forget about the fact that ARYS, on June 8th, 2003 at the 7th World Congress of Rusyns in Prešov, became one of the establishers of the World Forum of the Rusyn Youth.
Not a long time ago, we commemorated the 4th anniversary of ARYS. What can, on this occasion be said about ARYS and its activities?
Taking the above points into consideration, the recent activities of ARYS can be globally evaluated. The youth activists daily find out that the Rusyns in Slovakia are slowly losing the values that our predecessors fought and even died for. Unfortunately, the youth today has to solve material and financial problems and does not consider the matter of Rusynity that important. It is needed to emphasise the need of public-educational activities, with which our members and activists achieved significant results. That is what we have to keep building up. Mgr. Marek GAJ the chairman of ARYS 2nd World Forum with first outcomes...
On 24th June 2005, simultaneously with 8th World Congress of Rusyns, 2nd World Forum of Rusyn Youth (SFRM) took place in Polish Krynica.
World Council of Rusyn Youth (SRRM) as an executive body of World Forum of Rusyn Youth has already get over two years of further education among Rusyn youth. Euphoria resulting from setting up the world Rusyn youth organization already subsided and consequently the time for real work has come, which was full of expectations and interesting actions.
During this period many optimistic but also unfortunately pessimistic things happened in youth Rusyn movement. This issue was also discussed at forum. The opening of forum was devoted to analysis of work from the last forum in Prešov in Slovakia. Marek Gaj from Slovakia, the chairperson of SFRM, read the progress report, from which the present learned when and how SRRM worked and where during the last two years the actions of Rusyn youth took place.
The first meeting of SRRM took place within the framework of 1st year of international summer camp in Komloška in Hungary on 24th August 2003. All members of world council participated on its meeting and their agenda was focused on perspectives of common activity what was later connected with official registration of SFRM as a new youth organization. The following decision was adopted at this meeting – the World Forum of Rusyn Youth shall be registered in Slovakia and its domicile shall be in Prešov. The responsibility for registration was assumed by Rusyn Youth Organisation in Slovakia (Spolok rusínskej mládeže Slovenska -SRMS), and its management had to take care of finances for registration and of formalities connected with this registration. We can state that all of the objectives from this meeting were implemented. This can be proved also by the fact, that in spite of all, SFRM is officially registered at Ministry of Home Affairs of the Slovak Republic under the number VV8/-900/90-23940 of 12th August 2004. It is necessary to confess that the whole procedure, with which we met at registration of SFRM, was not easy. After almost one year of peripetiae and after five corrections of Memorandum of SFRM, which „did not correspond“ with Slovak laws on setting up of civil associations, the registration was finally managed.
The next meeting of young people was organised after one year, specifically on 23. – 25. August 2004 in Rusyn village Bortné at Gorlicie in Poland. All members of SFRM were invited, but only two delegations came, namely from Slovakia and from Poland. When considering the matter, it is a pity that the representatives of Rusyn youth also from other countries did not meet at that time but it was the useful meeting anyway. SRRM was represented only by two members – chairperson and vice chairperson; therefore the meeting was changed to public meeting with members of SRRM. Several interesting proposals that inspired us in Krynica were made during discussion, for example to organize also the winter camp of Rusyn youth. The present paid the serious attention also to the problems of acquisition of financial means for activity of SFRM, specifically from Euro funds.
The next point in agenda of 2nd meeting of SFRM in Krynica was the performance check from 1st meeting of SFRM in Prešov. It was stated that except for the smaller minuses, which will have to be solved, the declaration was successfully performed. According to delegates, the biggest minus is the fact that the youth living in various Rusyn regions of world completely misses its identity, it gradually loses the national awareness and it is nationally disoriented.
In discussion, the delegates and guests debated on some further problems – the problem of more frequent meetings of Rusyn youth and acquisition of finances from state funds and various Euro funds. Nastasja Šajtoš from Serbia presented an interesting proposal; she proposed to organize youth summer school of Rusyn language, which would be organised every year in different state. This is the way the young people could become familiarised with the language and culture of each Rusyn region in the world. When considering the matter it is a pity that the theme of focusing of projects was not solved, because it is still the fact that SFRM is young organization and in immediate future SRRM shall focus on organising the meetings of youth and on contacting the young Rusyns from all over the world among themselves via Internet.
We can consider the admittance of new member of SFRM - organization of young Rusyns from America, which bears the name RUSIN OUTPOST: NORT AMERIKA as the biggest contribution of the whole 2nd meeting of SFRM. Delegates of 2nd SFRM unanimously accepted this new youth Rusyn organization. I do believe that this organization shall be the great contribution for Rusyn youth movement and shall be the source of good ideas, initiatives and proposals. It comes to this, that SFRM already has five members of organization: abovementioned youth organization from America, Rusyn Youth Organisation (Spolok rusínskej mládeže Slovenska), JAR from Poland, Subcarphatian Youth (Mládež Podkarpatska) from the Ukraine and Pakt Ruthenorum from Serbia and Montenegro.
The SRRM is counting with the fact that within two years also the youth organization from Romania, which we do believe shall be set up by Rusyn youth in the immediate future, shall become the member of SFRM. They have the appropriate conditions for this act.
The conclusion of forum was devoted to the elections of new members of World Council of Rusyn Youth. Each state made a proposal of its member to SRRM. Delegates agreed on the following structure: chairperson – Mykola Maďeši from Serbia and Montenegro, vice chairperson – Alena Blichová from Slovakia, inspector – Damian Trochanovskyj from Poland, members of SRRM – Maria Silvestri from Northern America and Vasyľ Pukiš from Subcarphatia in Ukraine.
What else could be added… Just to find more time in the future for our youth negotiating, because there were many opinions, but there was a little of time. The meeting of SFRM began one hour earlier as it should, but on the next day (on 25th June 2005) this deficit got to balance, when we discussed all necessary issues within the framework of youth section. The next meetings of Rusyn youth could take place in Subcarphatia in the Ukraine and then in Vojvodina in Serbia and Montenegro.
Finally, let’s wish to the new World Council of Rusyn Youth and new member organization RUSYN OUTPOST: NORTH AMERIKA many successes during performance of their activities in Rusyn youth movement. Mgr. Marek GAJ, Medzilaborce, Slovakia
(Adjusted and translated from Rusyn language to Slovak language by: A. Z. You can find and read the original article in the section PRESS at our web site – Народны новинкы No. 25. – 28. / 2005.) Declaration from 2nd World Forum of Rusyn Youth (SFRM)
– At its second meeting, the SFRM accepted as its new member the youth organization of Rusyns in Northern America – RUSIN OUTPOST: NORTH AMERIKA. – The World Council of Rusyn Youth (SRRM) as an executive body of SFRM shall also in future propagate the activity of SFRM in various media and on Internet. The web page of SFRM shall be created. – SRRM shall also in future act against slovakization of orthodox rite in Slovakia and shall support the effort to appoint the bishop for Rusyns. – SRRM shall support the efforts for recognition of Rusyns in Ukraine as independent national minority. – SRRM shall endeavour to make contacts with young Rusyns from all countries of the world. – SRRM shall aim at improving the communication and cooperation with the World Council of Rusyns and SFRM with the World Congress of Rusyns. – SRRM adopted the following decree – the 4th year of International summer camp of Rusyn youth shall take place on 19th –21st August 2005 in Syňi Potok in Ukraine (Re. note: according to our information only young Rusyns from SubCarphatia and Poland participated on this action) – Pursuant to the elections, SRRM shall work and consist from 25th June 2005 from the following persons: chairperson Mykola Medeši (Vojvodina in Serbia and Montenegro), vice chairperson Alena Blichová (Slovakia), inspector Damian Trochanovskyj (Poland), members: Maria Silvestri (Southern America) a Vasyľ Pukiš (Subcarphatia in Ukraine). In Krynica on 25th June 2005 |