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Uverejnené názory dopisovateľov nemusia byť totožné s názormi redakcie.
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The Academy of Rusyn Culture was established in Slovakia: New Institution – New Standards
The following personalities contributed to the discussion:
Mgr. Gabriel Beskyd, the chairman of Rusyn cultural-national organisation with the original title Russian Club-1923;
Maria Girova, a writer and a cultural worker;
Jan Hrib, the author of almost all Rusyn textbooks for primary schools;
Assistant Professor Vasil Jabur, one of the people to codify the Rusyn language and an author of the orthographic innovations;
PhDr. Kvetoslava Koporova, a Rusyn journalist and activist in the field of Rusyn language teaching at primary schools in Slovakia;
PhDr. Anna Pliskova, a co-author of Rusyn language textbooks for secondary schools, the editor of Rusyn literature anniversary volumes and a lecturer at the Department of Rusyn Language and Culture, Institute of National Minority Studies, University of Presov;
PhDr. Maria Malcovska, a journalist, writer and a laureate of the Aleksander Dukhnovich Award for Rusyn Literature;
and several others who gave their opinions on the process of professionalising Rusyn national life work as well as on the development of the Rusyn literary language at universities, schools, media and so on.
Since 1989, mutual co-operation with Rusyns abroad has become a tradition, which provides a good basis for the work of the newly established academy. Its constituent members have achieved some worthy results such as the codification of Rusyn language in 1995 (which is considered the greatest success of the Rusyn national life), Rusyn radio and television broadcasting, the establishment of the Rusyn “Aleksander Dukhnovich” theatre, Rusyn periodic and non-periodic press (which has existed for 15 years), Rusyn literature as well as the effort of Rusyn priests to introduce the Rusyn language into liturgical use or teaching the Rusyn language and culture at primary, secondary and high schools and universities. Important challenges in all these fields lie ahead the members-advisors of the academy under the leadership of both governors. We wish the newly established Rusyn institution to build firm foundations and reap high quality results.
Mgr. Gabriel Beskyd, the chairman of Rusyn cultural-national organisation with the original title Russian Club-1923;
Maria Girova, a writer and a cultural worker;
Jan Hrib, the author of almost all Rusyn textbooks for primary schools;
Assistant Professor Vasil Jabur, one of the people to codify the Rusyn language and an author of the orthographic innovations;
PhDr. Kvetoslava Koporova, a Rusyn journalist and activist in the field of Rusyn language teaching at primary schools in Slovakia;
PhDr. Anna Pliskova, a co-author of Rusyn language textbooks for secondary schools, the editor of Rusyn literature anniversary volumes and a lecturer at the Department of Rusyn Language and Culture, Institute of National Minority Studies, University of Presov;
PhDr. Maria Malcovska, a journalist, writer and a laureate of the Aleksander Dukhnovich Award for Rusyn Literature;
and several others who gave their opinions on the process of professionalising Rusyn national life work as well as on the development of the Rusyn literary language at universities, schools, media and so on.
Since 1989, mutual co-operation with Rusyns abroad has become a tradition, which provides a good basis for the work of the newly established academy. Its constituent members have achieved some worthy results such as the codification of Rusyn language in 1995 (which is considered the greatest success of the Rusyn national life), Rusyn radio and television broadcasting, the establishment of the Rusyn “Aleksander Dukhnovich” theatre, Rusyn periodic and non-periodic press (which has existed for 15 years), Rusyn literature as well as the effort of Rusyn priests to introduce the Rusyn language into liturgical use or teaching the Rusyn language and culture at primary, secondary and high schools and universities. Important challenges in all these fields lie ahead the members-advisors of the academy under the leadership of both governors. We wish the newly established Rusyn institution to build firm foundations and reap high quality results.
PhDr. Maria Malcovska, Presov
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